
1973 Yom Kippur War; OPEC oil embargo
1979 Islamic revolution in Iran; second oil shock
1980 Rhodesian white-minority rulers surrender power and the nation is renamed Zimbabwe
1980–1988 Iran-Iraq War
1982 Falklands (or Malvinas) War leads to the collapse of the Argentine junta
1985 Glasnost leads to greater freedom of speech and expression in the Soviet Union
1987 Palestinian intifada
1989 Collapse of Berlin Wall; “NO” campaign in Chile; Tiananmen Square protests suppressed in China
1989–1991 Fall of communism in Soviet Union and eastern Europe
1990–1991 Persian Gulf War
1991 Congress Party in India embraces Western capitalist reforms
1991–2001 Civil war in Yugoslavia
1993 Formation of the European Union
1994 North American Free Trade Agreement goes into effect between Canada, Mexico, and the United States
1994 Nelson Mandela elected president of South Africa
2003–2011 Second Persian Gulf War
2007 Hamas seizes control of Gaza Strip from Palestinian Authority
2009–2014 Popular uprisings and protests across the Middle East