Quiz for Document Project 4: The Limits of Loyalty

  1. Question

    Correct: The answer is c. The poem, written during an earlier period in which China was unified, presents a vision of a time when all land was under the king’s control and all people were his servants.
    Incorrect: The answer is c. The poem, written during an earlier period in which China was unified, presents a vision of a time when all land was under the king’s control and all people were his servants.
    Which of the following is suggested by the poem from the Book of Odes included in the story of “The Citizen of the World” (see Document 4.1)?
  2. Question

    Correct: The answer is b. When his circumstances and interests changed, so too did the qualities the protagonist valued in the two wives. As he explained, “When they lived in the other man’s house, . . . I wished them compliant; but if one were to be my wife I should wish her to rebuke another such as I.”
    Incorrect: The answer is b. When his circumstances and interests changed, so too did the qualities the protagonist valued in the two wives. As he explained, “When they lived in the other man’s house, . . . I wished them compliant; but if one were to be my wife I should wish her to rebuke another such as I.”
    Why did the protagonist in the story of the two wives (see Document 4.2) choose to marry the elder wife who had previously refused him and not the younger wife who had previously succumbed to his advances?
  3. Question

    Correct: The answer is d. His master, Lord Mengchang, was so impressed with this ability, he ordered an inscription to be placed over his gate that read, “Let him who can add luster to my name or prevent my error, while profiting himself besides, enter here in all haste!”
    Incorrect: The answer is d. His master, Lord Mengchang, was so impressed with this ability, he ordered an inscription to be placed over his gate that read, “Let him who can add luster to my name or prevent my error, while profiting himself besides, enter here in all haste!”
    In the story of “The Ivory Couch” (see Document 4.3), what admirable quality did Kung-sun Shu reveal in himself?
  4. Question

    Correct: The answer is b. By publically praising T’ien Tan and engaging in virtuous actions of his own, the king would get credit for T’ien Tan’s actions, thereby solidifying his own power and preventing T’ien Tan from driving a wedge between the king and his people.
    Incorrect: The answer is b. By publically praising T’ien Tan and engaging in virtuous actions of his own, the king would get credit for T’ien Tan’s actions, thereby solidifying his own power and preventing T’ien Tan from driving a wedge between the king and his people.
    What advice did the bead-stringer offer to the king of Ch’i (see Document 4.4)?