Chapter 1. LaunchPad for Media and Culture 11e

Digital Gaming Activity
You must read each slide, and complete any questions on the slide, in sequence.

Author Names:

Bettina Fabos and Christopher R. Martin

Activity Objective:

Students will explore and learn more about the different video game genres that are popular today.

Let’s get started! Click the forward and backward arrows to navigate through the slides. You may also click the above outline button to skip to certain slides.

In groups, review the Video Game Genres chart below and use it to talk about—and categorize—the games you and your classmates play (or have watched others play).

Genre Gameplay Examples
Action Player uses hand-eye coordination and motor skills to overcome physical challenges. The player controls most of the action to:
Platform games - move character(s) between various platform levels in order to avoid or chase adversaries. Super Mario Bros., Never Alone, Canabalt, Super Mario Odyssey, Celeste
Shooter - use a range of weapons to obliterate their enemy. Overwatch, Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare, Halo, Half-Life
Fighting - work in close-range combat against a small number of equally powerful opponents. Street Fighter, Dragon Ball FighterZ, Soulcalibur
Stealth - engage in subterfuge and precision strikes to beat the enemy. Dishonored, Mark of the Ninja
Survival - learn to survive in a hostile environment. Paladins: Battlegrounds
Rhythm - meet challenges in terms of rhythm, coordination, and musical precision. Dance Dance Revolution, Guitar Hero, Rock Band
Adventure Player solves puzzles by interacting with people or the environment. Myst, Tomb Raider, Lumino City, Monument Valley, Limbo, Hidden Folks
Action-Adventure Player navigates horror fiction elements or constant obstacles (e.g., doors) and acquires special tools or abilities to open them. Zelda, Metroid, Castlevania, Resident Evil, Grand Theft Auto
Role-Playing Player takes on specific characteristics and skillsets, goes on “adventures,” and often amasses treasure. The most popular setting is a fantasy world. Final Fantasy, Fallout, Grand Theft Auto, Minecraft
MMPORG Similar to role-playing games but distinguished by the high number of players interacting together. World of Warcraft, Star Wars: The Old Republic
Simulation Player simulates a real or fictional reality to:
Construction/ Management - expand or manage fictional communities or projects with limited resources. SimCity
Life - “realistically” live the life of a person or being (e.g. a wolf), possibly in a strange world. SimLife, Spore, Creatures
Vehicle - experience flight, race car driving, train travel, combat vehicles. FlightGear, Microsoft Flight Simulator, Nascar Racing
Strategy Players carefully plot out tactics to achieve a goal, usually military or world domination. Master of Orion, Hogs of War, StarCraft
MOBA (Multiplayer Online Battle Arena) Player in a team competes against another team to destroy the opposing team's main structure. Similar to RPGs but distinguished by the high number of players. League of Legends, Dota 2, Heroes of the Storm, Overwatch
Sports Player takes either a player’s or management’s perspective in simulating a sport, like soccer, Nascar racing, football, or fighting. Pong, FIFA, Fight Night, Championship Manager, Madden NFL
Casual Games Player makes progress toward a simple reward, increasing the challenge if they feel like it. The rules are simple and there is no long-term commitment. Tetris, Candy Crush, Run Sausage Run

Use the space below to answer the following question.

Which kinds of games are most popular in your group?

Which kinds of games are most popular in your group?

Use the space below to answer the following question.

Which genres do you and your classmates have little experience with?

Which genres do you and your classmates have little experience with?

Use the space below to answer the following question.

What games are worth knowing about? Why?

What games are worth knowing about? Why?

Use the space below to answer the following question.

What are some typical storylines in each genre?

What are some typical storylines in each genre?

Use the space below to answer the following question.

What are some games that mix genres, or defy genres completely?

What are some games that mix genres, or defy genres completely?

Use the space below to answer the following question.

Compare genres. Which games are geared toward men, which are geared toward women?

Compare genres. Which games are geared toward men, which are geared toward women?