Chapter 1. LaunchPad for Media and Culture 11e
News Preferences across the Generations
Author Name:
Richard Campbell
Activity Objective:
Students will gather information about news preferences from members of different generations and audience demographics to observe trends.
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Interview 15–20 people from different generations and audience demographics to find out, anecdotally, their news preferences. Ask your interview subjects the following questions, and record their responses in the boxes on each page.
Interview Question 1
Use the space below to answer the following question.
Do you prefer getting the news by reading it, watching it, or listening to it?
Interview Question 2
Use the space below to answer the following question.
When you read the news, would you rather read it in a print newspaper or online?
Interview Question 3
Use the space below to answer the following question.
Where do you get the news? List your 3 or 4 main sources for news.
Interview Question 4
Use the space below to answer the following question.
In your opinion, what is the best source of news? Why? Provide some evidence.
Interview Question 5
Use the space below to answer the following question.
A 2007 Pew study titled "Public Knowledge of Current Affairs Little Changed by News and Information Revolutions" ( reported that the least informed people said they get most of their news from only one source. What do you make of that finding?
Interview Question 6
Use the space below to answer the following question.
How many sources do you use for the news? Name your favorites . . . and tell why they are your favorites.