Chapter 1. LaunchPad for Media and Culture 11e

Books Activity
You must read each slide, and complete any questions on the slide, in sequence.

Author Name:

Richard Campbell

Activity Objective:

Students will use the steps of the critical process to examine which books have made an impact on their lives and why.

Let’s get started! Click the forward and backward arrows to navigate through the slides. You may also click the above outline button to skip to certain slides.

What books have made an impact on the way you think, or have even changed your life?

Description: In small groups or as a single class organized in a circle, describe one book that you read outside of class that had a recognizable impact on your thinking. Document this list on a chalkboard, whiteboard, notepad, or digital device, and note the fiction vs. nonfiction and genre breakdown.

Write down some ideas in the box below to share with your small group or class.

Which kinds of games are most popular in your group?

Use the space below to answer the following question.

Analysis: What was it that moved you, or moved you to act?

Why do you think the content of this book stuck with you?

What was it that kept you reading, either all in one sitting, or over many days?

Were there any patterns that emerged in terms of fiction vs. nonfiction? Genre?

Which kinds of games are most popular in your group?

Use the space below to answer the following question.

Interpretation: So what about books? Can such an old media format still hold power over us? What is it about the printed word? Why do we (or some of us) like reading books? Why do some people avoid books completely? What are the reasons? Format? Time? Access?

Which kinds of games are most popular in your group?

Use the space below to answer the following question.

Evaluation: How would you evaluate books compared to other media formats? Why are books still important? Or not? If we don’t feel like we have time to read (and want to), how should we reorganize our lives to read a highly recommended book?

Which kinds of games are most popular in your group?

Engagement: Your instructor will share the list of impact books (along with the person who recommended each book), with everyone. Pick a book, or maybe two or three, and read it/them. When you’re done, find the person who recommended it, and briefly discuss the book’s ideas with them.