Chapter 1. LaunchPad for Media and Culture 11e
How well does brand advertising work?
Author Name:
Richard Campbell
Activity Objective:
Students will gather and analyze informations from consumers of various generations about the effectiveness of brand advertising.
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Comparing Generations
Interview 5–10 people from different generations (in other words don’t just talk to people your own age). For the following product categories, ask them to guess the leading brand and its share of the ad spending in that category in 2017 (no using Google!):
Use the space below to answer the following question.
1. Personal Care brands (Correct Answer: #1 L’Oreal Paris, 7.4%; #2 Maybelline NY, 4.5%)1
2. RX drug brands (Correct Answer: #1 Humira, 7%; #2 Lyrica, 6.4%)
3. Household products (Correct Answer: #1 Tide 10.4%; #2 Downy, 6%)
4. Wireless service (Correct Answer: #1 AT&T, 32.1%; #2 Verizon, 31.8%)
5. Insurance brands (Correct Answer: #1 Geico, 23.9%; #2 State Farm, 11.1%)
6. Credit cards (Correct Answer: #1 American Express, 22.1%; #2 JP Morgan Chase, 19.3%)
7. Beer (Correct Answer: #1 Anheuser-Busch, 42.7%; #2 Molson Coors, 24.6%)
8. Beverage brands (Correct Answer: #1 Coke, 12%; Pepsi, 5.6%)
How many answers did they get right? If they got a category or two right, ask them how they knew the answer.
1. Ad Age Marketing Fact Pack 2018, December 18, 2017, pp. 12–13.
Brand Advertising
Use the space below to answer the following question.
Next, ask them what brand they use in each category. Does brand advertising have any influence on them? If they say no, ask them to explain why not.
See if you can find patterns in their answers. Then discuss whether brand advertising influences you. Why or why not? If yes, how? Write about your findings. What surprised you?
Extra Credit
Use the space below to answer the following question.
Extra Credit: Do some research online and find out who owns all these top brand “big spenders.”