MIKE REZENDES: They said they all target the same kind of kid. Low-income families, absentee fathers, broken homes. So a guy like Geoghan goes after boys not because he prefers them, but because they're-- they have more shame, less likely to talk. I mean, these guys are predators, Robby. And I talked to Sipe. He's seen dozens of them in the '60s in Seton. He called it a phenomenon.

ROBBY ROBINSON: Why didn't he go public?

MIKE REZENDES: He did, but the church made a huge effort to discredit him. Smear campaigns, public statements by prominent bishops. It's just-- it's just like Saviano said, and Garabedian.

ROBBY ROBINSON: You getting anywhere with him?

MIKE REZENDES: More victims.

ROBBY ROBINSON: More victims? You can't empty his pockets?

MIKE REZENDES: I'll get to him. I just need more time.

ROBBY ROBINSON: Come on, Mike. You gotta get him.

MIKE REZENDES: I'll get him. I'll get him. Jesus, what the hell is that smell?

MATT CARROLL: There's a dead rat in the corner.

ROBBY ROBINSON: What have you got?

MATT CARROLL: Church directories. It's every priest in Massachusetts, what parish they're assigned to.

MIKE REZENDES: Are these official?

MATT CARROLL: Yeah, I figured it could help us track down some of the priests that Saviano mentioned, maybe find more victims.

ROBBY ROBINSON: Can we turn on some more lights in here.

MATT CARROLL: I couldn't find the switch. You want to borrow my glasses?

ROBBY ROBINSON: No, I'm good. I'm good.

MIKE REZENDES: Look, 1983. John Geoghan, St. Brendan's Parish, Dorchester. So-- so we can find out where any priest is at any given year?

MATT CARROLL: Yeah, I got him here at-- huh.


MATT CARROLL: 1980, the year Geoghan was pulled from JP. Says he's on sick leave.

MIKE REZENDES: Come on, it really says that?

ROBBY ROBINSON: Where is 1991?

MATT CARROLL: Yeah, here you go.

ROBBY ROBINSON: Let's see. Barrett. Barrett, Liam. I can't read that. Look for Liam Barrett in there. 1991's the year they pulled him out of Charlestown.

MIKE REZENDES: Barrett, Liam.


MIKE REZENDES: "Sick leave." It's an official designation.

ROBBY ROBINSON: Get these upstairs.