Central Question: Can we develop renewable energy resources to help sustain a thriving economy without adversely affecting the environment?


Answer the following questions for each chapter section and then answer the Central Question.

10.1–10.3 Science

  • How is solar energy captured and utilized?

  • What role do wind, water, and geothermal energy play in the renewable energy mix?

  • How is energy in biofuels stored and accessed?

10.4–10.7 Issues

  • What are the financial and environmental drawbacks of solar energy?

  • How do wind turbines impact wildlife?

  • What are the environmental and societal impacts of hydroelectric power?

  • How does using biofuel for energy impact food supply and the environment?

10.8–10.11 Solutions

  • What improvements are being made in the technology of solar energy?

  • In what ways are the use and technology of wind turbines being improved?

  • What strategies reduce the impacts of hydroelectric power?

  • How can we reduce the impact of biofuels?

Answer the Central Question:







Renewable Energy and You

The future of civilization and the biosphere depends on how we manage our remaining fossil fuel resources and transition to renewable energy resources. The speed at which we achieve this energy revolution depends substantially on the actions of governments and industry. Still, individuals can make a difference by staying informed and acting on evolving energy challenges and opportunities.

Stay informed and engaged in energy issues.

Keep informed regarding rapid developments in renewable energy, especially with regard to technological advances and growth in electrical generating capacity around the world. Contact your state and federal lawmakers and ask them to support legislation that incentivizes renewable energy and technologies that use it. For a list of incentives, rebates, and other programs, check out www.dsireusa.org.

Consume energy wisely.

Cut your own energy consumption: Choose efficient bulbs such as compact fluorescent lights; if you have access and your health permits, set the thermostats in your home and/or workplace to conserve energy—that is, a few degrees lower in winter and higher in summer. In many communities, it is possible to personally invest in renewable energy through your electrical utility by electing to purchase power generated using renewable energy resources.

Use energy-efficient transportation.

If you can do so securely, walk or bicycle to school or work. If you can’t, take a bus or train. If you must drive, try to carpool. If you purchase a motor vehicle, consider models that are both safe and fuel-efficient. While governmental mandates affect the fuel efficiency of vehicles produced by manufacturers, our choices as consumers can also exert significant influence on manufacturing.