Chapter 14: Review Questions

Question 1

1. What produces the differences in temperature among the planets Earth, Mars, and Venus?

  1. Distance from the Sun explains the differences.

  2. Earth’s atmosphere is made up of nitrogen and oxygen that trap massive amounts of heat.

  3. Differences in the greenhouse effect account for difference in the climates of Earth, Mars, and Venus.

  4. The amount of water vapor found on each of the planets is responsible.

Question 2

2. Carbon capture and sequestration is a technology that

  1. reduces the amount of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases released into the atmosphere at the point of origin by filtering and chemical conversion.

  2. is used by industry to stagger manufacturing so that greenhouse gases are not continuously emitted.

  3. reduces additions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases to the atmosphere by collecting them at the point of emission and storing them in a place or removing them from active circulation in the carbon cycle.

  4. may be required under proposed amendments to the Clean Air Act.

Question 3

3. The climate of Earth

  1. has been consistent over the history of the planet.

  2. is changing rapidly now, but will stabilize within the next century.

  3. is changing rapidly mainly due to increases in greenhouse gases as a result of human activity.

  4. changes in random and unpredictable ways with no discernible pattern.

Question 4

4. Which is the most abundant greenhouse gas in Earth’s atmosphere?

  1. Ozone

  2. Nitrogen

  3. Methane

  4. Water vapor

  5. Carbon dioxide

Question 5

5. Which of the greenhouse gases appears to act as Earth’s “thermostat”?

  1. Ozone

  2. Nitrogen

  3. Methane

  4. Water vapor

  5. Carbon dioxide

Question 6

6. Milankovitch Cycles

  1. shift the temperature of surface water in the middle latitudes of the Pacific Ocean that produce variation in Earth’s climate.

  2. alter the time of Earth’s rotation and orbit around the Sun, which may trigger climate variation.

  3. change the timing and duration of the hurricane season in the Northern Hemisphere.

  4. change the shape of Earth’s orbit, tilt in its axis, and precession of the equinoxes that produce variation in Earth’s climate.

Question 7

7. Which one of the following statements about the greenhouse effect is not correct?

  1. The greenhouse effect is the absorbing and reradiating of infrared (IR) light by various components of Earth’s atmosphere, resulting in higher surface and atmospheric temperatures.

  2. Greenhouse gases like water vapor, carbon dioxide, and methane trap IR radiation and reflect it back toward Earth.

  3. Earth would be uninhabitable by most species without the greenhouse effect.

  4. Emissions by volcanoes make no contribution to the greenhouse effect.

Question 8

8. Which factor causes the concentration of water vapor in the atmosphere to increase?

  1. Condensation

  2. Rising temperatures

  3. Falling temperatures

  4. Decrease in atmospheric concentration of CO2

Question 9

9. Why did the Kyoto Protocol emphasize the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by developed countries?

  1. The goal of the Kyoto Protocol is to reduce economic output by developed countries.

  2. Developing countries do not have the means to reduce their emissions of greenhouse gases.

  3. Developed countries have historically been the source of most of the greenhouse gas emissions.

  4. Greenhouse gas emissions from developing countries will never be greater than those from developed countries.

Question 10

10. Which of the following has the greatest potential for reducing greenhouse gas emissions from the United States in the near term?

  1. Converting all motor vehicles to electric vehicles

  2. Improving the energy efficiency of buildings

  3. Increasing the fuel efficiency of motor vehicles

  4. Converting all coal power plants to ones that use natural gas

Critical Analysis

Question 1

1. What are some possible consequences of climate change?

Question 2

2. What methods do scientists use to study climate change? How do they collect data?

Question 3

3. How will global warming affect the growing season?

Question 4

4. Why do carbon dioxide levels drop during the summer in the Northern Hemisphere?

Question 5

5. How can the increasing severity of storms be attributed to climate change?