In his 1850 poem In Memoriam A.H.H., Alfred, Lord Tennyson wrote of “Nature, red in tooth and claw.” The phrase has endured as a powerful description of the brutality of wild nature. Thanks to nature documentaries and our human fascination with wild animals, most of us have witnessed plenty of images of this red-
Very few species enjoy the luxury of having no natural predators; these are called top predators. For the vast majority of animals, the threat of predation is simply a fact of life. Not surprisingly, that threat has been a powerful evolutionary force. Predator–
On Isle Royale, an island in Lake Superior, ecologists have been studying moose and wolves since 1958 in the longest-
As a predator population grows, the prey population shrinks—
The same patterns have been found among birds of prey in the Italian Alps. These raptors—
One reason that the predator and prey populations eventually achieve a delicate balance is that both are well adapted to their roles. Predation has exerted powerful evolutionary pressure that has influenced anatomy and physiology over the long term. That pressure has shaped predators by giving them claws, teeth, venom, and powerful muscles for hunting prey.
Of course, predation pressure has also shaped the form and function of prey. Some animals, including some insects and frogs, have evolved toxins to deter would-
Often, predator and prey evolve in lockstep, driving each other’s adaptations. Clams may have evolved thicker shells to protect themselves from hungry crabs. In turn, the crabs evolved larger, stronger claws for cracking clamshells. This pattern of back-
The interactions between eaters and eaten have also influenced the evolution of physiological systems. The skills that a predator needs to hunt its prey and that its prey needs to escape depend in large part on adaptations of their sensory systems, musculoskeletal systems, nervous systems, and even their circulatory and respiratory systems.
Consider sensory systems. Animals rely on visual, auditory, tactile, and chemical stimuli to warn them of approaching predators—
When predators are nearby, prey species experience fear and anxiety. Stress hormones produced by prey animals can influence an animal’s physiology in a number of ways. In snowshoe hares, levels of the stress hormone cortisol increase when predators such as lynx and coyote are plentiful. The hormones trigger behaviors, such as alertness and fearfulness, which help the hares avoid becoming a lynx’s lunch. But the behavioral benefit comes at a cost: Research has shown that stressed hares give birth to fewer and smaller offspring.
In short, predation has left a physical imprint on both predator and prey, from nose to tail—
In the modern world, our own species, Homo sapiens, occupies a unique position at the top of the food web. While humans are occasionally killed by animals such as bears or sharks, we are, for the most part, no longer constrained by the fear of predation by other species. But it wasn’t always so. Some scientists have proposed that fear of predation among early humans led to the evolution of cooperative social behavior and large brains. Others have theorized that it was our hunting of other animals that led us to evolve big brains and the ability to work together. Perhaps both factors played a role. Either way, the importance of the predator–
Special sections in Chapters 35–
What body features arose as adaptations for successful predation? See page 742.
How have sensory systems evolved in predators and prey? See page 771.
How do different types of muscle fiber affect the speed of predators and prey? See page 797.
How does the endocrine system influence predators and prey? See page 821.
How do hormones and nerves provide homeostatic regulation of blood flow as well as allow an animal to respond to stress? See page 843.
Does body temperature limit activity level in predators and prey? See page 854.
Can the loss of water and electrolytes in exercise be exploited as a strategy to hunt prey? See page 880.