The Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium is the starting point for population genetic analysis.
Recall our definition of evolution: a change in allele or genotype frequency from one generation to the next. Given this definition, it might seem odd to be discussing factors necessary for allele frequencies to stay the same. The Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium not only provides a means of converting between allele and genotype frequencies, but, critically, it also serves as an indicator that something interesting is happening in a population when it is not upheld.
If we find a population whose allele or genotype frequencies are not in Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium, we can infer that evolution has occurred. With further study of the population, we can then consider, for the gene in question, whether the population is subject to selection, migration, mutation, genetic drift, or non-random mating. These are the primary mechanisms of evolution. The Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium gives us a baseline from which to explore the evolutionary processes affecting populations. We will start by considering one of the most important evolutionary mechanisms: natural selection.
Quick Check 3 When we find a population whose allele frequencies are not in Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium, what can and can’t we conclude about that population?
Quick Check 3 Answer
We can conclude that the population is evolving. What we cannot tell is what mechanism—selection, migration, mutation, genetic drift, or non-random mating—is causing it to evolve. To determine what mechanism(s) is (are) driving the process requires more-detailed population genetics analysis.