Photorespiration adds another wrinkle to the challenge of acquiring CO2 from the air. Recall from Chapter 8 that either CO2 or O2 can be a substrate for rubisco, the key enzyme in the Calvin cycle. When CO2 is the substrate, the Calvin cycle produces carbohydrates through photosynthesis. When O2 is the substrate, there is a net loss of energy and a release of CO2, the process called photorespiration. (Photorespiration is similar to aerobic respiration only in the sense that it uses O2 and releases CO2. However, plants do not gain energy; they lose it.)
Photorespiration presents a significant challenge for land plants for two reasons. The first is that air contains approximately 21% O2 but only 0.04% CO2. Although rubisco reacts more readily with CO2 than with O2, the sheer abundance of O2 means that rubisco uses O2 as a substrate some of the time. The second reason is that air provides much less of a thermal buffer than does water, such that organisms on land experience higher and more variable temperatures than do organisms that live in water. Temperature has a major effect on photorespiration because the selectivity of rubisco for CO2 over O2 is reduced as temperatures increase. At moderate leaf temperatures, O2 is the substrate instead of CO2 as often as 1 time out of 4. At higher temperatures, O2 is even more likely to be the substrate for rubisco.
Some plants have evolved a way to reduce the energy and carbon losses associated with photorespiration. These are the C4 plants, which suppress photorespiration by increasing the concentration of CO2 in the immediate vicinity of rubisco. C4 plants take their name from the fact that they, like CAM plants, use PEP carboxylase to produce 4-
Both CAM and C4 plants produce 4-
C4 plants initially capture CO2 in mesophyll cells by means of PEP carboxylase, which combines a dissolved form of CO2 (bicarbonate ion, HCO3–) with the 3-
The significance of the C4 cycle is that it operates much faster than the Calvin cycle because of the very low catalytic rate of rubisco (Chapter 8). As a result, the concentration of CO2 within bundle-
C4 plants have high rates of photosynthesis because they do not suffer the losses in energy and reduced carbon associated with photorespiration (Fig. 29.8). At the same time, C4 plants lose less water because they can restrict diffusion through their stomata to a greater extent than a C3 plant while still maintaining high concentrations of CO2 in bundle-
FIG. 29.8
How do we know that C4 photosynthesis suppresses photorespiration?
BACKGROUND Studies using radioactively labeled CO2 showed that some species initially incorporate CO2 into 4-
HYPOTHESIS C4 plants do not exhibit photorespiration.
METHOD “Air tests,” as these experiments were first called, compared rates of photosynthesis in normal air (21% O2) and in an experimental gas mixture in which the concentration of O2 is only 1%. When the concentration of O2 is low, rubisco has a low probability of using O2 (instead of CO2) as a substrate, and thus photorespiration does not occur.
CONCLUSION Photosynthesis in C4 plants is not affected by differences in O4 concentration, indicating that significant photorespiration is not occurring in these plants. In contrast, the photosynthetic rate of the C3 plants increased in the low O4 environment, indicating that photorespiration depresses rates of photosynthesis in 21% O4.
SOURCE Bjorkman, O., and J. Berry. 1973. “High-
Quick Check 2 How does the formation of 4-
CAM plants open their stomata at night when rates of evaporation are low and close them during the day to conserve water. At night, CO2 is combined with 3-