42.1 Reproduction is a basic feature of living organisms and occurs both asexually and sexually.
Asexual reproduction involves a single parent. Offspring are produced by binary fission or mitotic cell division and are clones of the parent. page 898
Examples of asexual reproduction include budding, fragmentation, and parthenogenesis. page 898
Sexual reproduction involves the production of haploid gametes by meiotic cell division and the fusion of gametes to make a diploid zygote. page 899
Many organisms reproduce both sexually and asexually. For some organisms, environmental conditions favor one mode or the other. page 900
Asexual reproduction allows rapid population growth but produces clones and results in genetic uniformity. page 901
Sexual reproduction produces genetically unique offspring, a feature that is thought to explain why most eukaryotes reproduce sexually at least some of the time. page 901
42.2 The movement of vertebrates from water to land involved changes in reproduction, including internal fertilization and the amniotic egg.
Fertilization can occur outside or inside the body of the female. External fertilization can occur only in an aquatic environment. Internal fertilization is an adaptation to terrestrial living. page 903
External fertilization is usually associated with the production of many offspring, little or no parental care, and high mortality. These are characteristics of r-
Internal fertilization is often associated with the production of fewer offspring, increased parental care, and low mortality. These are characteristics of K-
A watertight sac, called the amnion, is an adaptation for reproduction on land. page 904
Oviparous animals lay eggs; ovoviviparous and viviparous animals give birth to live young, but ovoviviparous animals retain eggs until they hatch and commonly get nutritional support from the yolk, whereas viviparous animals get nutritional support from the mother. page 905
42.3 The male reproductive system is adapted for the production and delivery of sperm, and the female reproductive system is adapted for the production of eggs and, in some cases, support of the developing fetus.
Male gametes, called sperm, develop in the seminiferous tubules of the testes. page 905
Sperm travel from the seminiferous tubules to the epididymis to the vas deferens to the ejaculatory duct and finally to the urethra before being released during ejaculation. page 905
Semen is a mixture of sperm and fluid from the prostate gland, seminal vesicles, and bulbourethral glands. page 906
Developing female gametes, called oocytes, are produced in the ovaries. Mature oocytes are called eggs, or ova. page 907
An oocyte is released from the ovary, travels through the fallopian tube, and implants in the uterus if it is fertilized. page 907
The reproductive system responds to and produces hormones. The hypothalamus releases GnRH, which stimulates the anterior pituitary gland to release FSH and LH, which in turn stimulate the ovaries to release estrogen and progesterone or the testes to secrete testosterone. page 908
In males, LH stimulates Leydig cells to secrete testosterone, and FSH and testosterone act on Sertoli cells to support sperm production. page 908
In females, monthly menstrual cycles are driven by the interplay of hypothalamic, anterior pituitary, and ovarian hormones, leading to ovulation, which is the maturation and release of an oocyte from the ovary, and to changes to the uterine lining. page 909
42.4 Human reproduction involves the formation of gametes, fertilization, and growth and development.
Gametogenesis is called spermatogenesis in males and oogenesis in females. page 911
In males, spermatogonia differentiate into primary spermatocytes that undergo meiosis to make immature haploid spermatids and mature spermatozoa or sperm. page 911
Spermatogenesis begins at puberty and continues throughout life. page 911
In females, oogonia undergo differentiation into primary oocytes during fetal development, which begin meiosis but arrest in prophase I. During a menstrual cycle, primary oocytes are released from arrest, finish meiosis I, but then arrest in metaphase II. They remain arrested in metaphase II until they are fertilized. page 911
Fertilization is the fusion of the oocyte and sperm plasma membranes. It usually occurs in the fallopian tube and results in the formation of a diploid zygote. page 912
Cleavage is the division of the zygote by mitotic cell division into smaller cells. At the blastocyst stage, the developing embryo implants in the uterus. page 913
Pregnancy lasts about 38 weeks from fertilization until birth and is divided into three trimesters. page 914
Gastrulation results in the formation of the three germ layers—
Organogenesis is the formation of organs. page 914
Childbirth, mediated by the posterior pituitary hormone oxytocin, involves changes in the cervix, delivery of the baby, and delivery of the placenta. page 918
List similarities and differences between asexual and sexual reproduction.
Asexual and sexual reproduction are two ways that organisms can reproduce. They both provide a way for a parent to transmit genetic information to a new generation. In asexual reproduction, a single individual will divide in two, bud, or fragment, forming genetically identical clones. In contrast, in sexual reproduction, two genetically different organisms will come together to form a genetically unique progeny. The process of mitosis happens in both forms of reproduction, whereas meiosis only happens with sexual reproduction.
Explain the roles of meiotic cell division and fertilization in sexual reproduction.
The role of meiosis in sexual reproduction is to create gametes or spores containing half the amount of chromosomes as the parent organism. Fertilization is the fusion of two gametes or spores, and restores the original chromosome content of the parent organisms. Both processes contribute to genetic variation in the offspring.
Describe the costs and benefits of asexual and of sexual reproduction.
Asexual reproduction eliminates the need for the organism to find and attract a mate, which takes time and energy. It is also rapid, allowing organisms to increase their numbers quickly, often exponentially. However, asexual reproduction does not introduce genetic variability—
Provide an explanation for the observation that there are very few, if any, ancient asexual organisms.
There are few, if any, ancient asexual organisms because a certain amount of genetic variability is favored. For a population to adapt, there must be a higher rate of genetic variability than just random mutation alone. Sexual reproduction gives these populations the level of genetic diversity they need in order to be evolutionarily fit.
Name three adaptations that allow reproduction to take place on land.
Reproduction requires an aqueous environment, so the movement onto land required a number of adaptations. Internal fertilization, oviparity (in particular, the development of the amnion), and viviparity are all adaptations that allow reproduction to take place on land because they avoid having the processes of fertilization and development occur in the terrestrial environment.
Describe the pathway of sperm from its site of production to the urethra.
Sperm are produced within the testes in the seminiferous tubules, and then travel through the epididymis, vas deferens, ejaculatory duct, and finally the urethra.
Describe the pathway of an oocyte (and the egg it develops into) from its site of production to the uterus.
Oocytes are produced in the ovaries and then travel through the fallopian tubes to the uterus.
Explain the relationships among changes in levels of anterior pituitary and ovarian hormones, oocyte development, and changes in the uterine lining during a menstrual cycle.
In females, the anterior pituitary gland secretes luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-
Describe similarities and differences between male and female gametogenesis.
Male and female gametogenesis are similar in that a primordial germ cell undergoes mitotic and meiotic cell divisions to form a primary spermatocyte or oocyte, but there are striking differences in timing, and the number of gametes produced from each parental diploid cell. In spermatogenesis, the primary spermatocyte undergoes meiosis I and II to form four haploid sperm cells. Spermatogenesis begins at puberty and continues throughout life, and the entire process takes 2‒3 months. In contrast, oogenesis begins in the developing female embryo, with formation of primary oocytes. The primary oocytes enter the first meiotic division, but arrest immediately in prophase I. By the time the female is born, she has 1‒2 million primary oocytes arrested in prophase I. These cells remain arrested for at least 12 years (until the age of menarche) and up to 50 years (until the age of menopause). A primary oocyte completes its first round of meiotic division during each menstrual cycle; the asymmetric cell division produces one secondary oocyte and one polar body. The secondary oocyte enters the second meiotic division, but arrests in metaphase II until fertilization takes place. Again, the division is asymmetric, producing one ovum and one polar body. Thus, in contrast to spermatogenesis, in oogenesis the primary oocyte undergoes two rounds of meiosis but only produces one viable ovum. The other three cells are polar bodies and remain arrested in the metaphase II phase. See Fig. 42.19 in your textbook.
Name and describe three key developmental steps in the development of a single-
Three key developmental steps in the development of a single-