Please continue to the next section.
cognition all the mental activities associated with thinking, knowing, remembering, and communicating.
concept a mental grouping of similar objects, events, ideas, or people.
prototype a mental image or best example of a category. Matching new items to a prototype provides a quick and easy method for sorting items into categories (as when comparing feathered creatures to a prototypical bird, such as a robin).
Psychologists who study cognition FOCUS on the mental activities associated with thinking, knowing, remembering, and communicating information. One of these activities is forming concepts—mental groupings of similar objects, events, ideas, or people. The concept chair includes many items—
We often form our concepts by developing prototypes—a mental image or best example of a category (Rosch, 1978). People more quickly agree that “a robin is a bird” than that “a penguin is a bird.” For most of us, the robin is the birdier bird; it more closely resembles our bird prototype. Similarly, for people in modern multiethnic Germany, Caucasian Germans are more prototypically German (Kessler et al., 2010). And the more closely something matches our prototype of a concept—
Once we place an item in a category, our memory of it later shifts toward the category prototype, as it did for Belgian students who viewed ethnically blended faces. For example, when viewing a blended face in which 70 percent of the features were Caucasian and 30 percent were Asian, the students categorized the face as Caucasian (FIGURE 9.2). Later, as their memory shifted toward the Caucasian prototype, they were more likely to remember an 80 percent Caucasian face than the 70 percent Caucasian they had actually seen (Corneille et al., 2004). Likewise, if shown a 70 percent Asian face, they later remembered a more prototypically Asian face. So, too, with gender: People who viewed 70 percent male faces categorized them as male (no surprise there) and then later misremembered them as even more prototypically male (Huart et al., 2005).
Move away from our prototypes, and category boundaries may blur. Is a tomato a fruit? Is a 17-
algorithm a methodical, logical rule or procedure that guarantees solving a particular problem. Contrasts with the usually speedier—but also more error-prone—use of heuristics.
One tribute to our rationality is our problem-
heuristic a simple thinking strategy that often allows us to make judgments and solve problems efficiently; usually speedier but also more error-prone than algorithms.
Some problems we solve through trial and error. Thomas Edison tried thousands of light bulb filaments before stumbling upon one that worked. For other problems, we use algorithms, step-
insight a sudden realization of a problem’s solution; contrasts with strategy-based solutions.
Sometimes we puzzle over a problem and the pieces suddenly fall together in a flash of insight—an abrupt, true-
Teams of researchers have identified brain activity associated with sudden flashes of insight (Kounios & Beeman, 2009; Sandkühler & Bhattacharya, 2008). They gave people a problem: Think of a word that will form a compound word or phrase with each of three other words in a set (such as pine, crab, and sauce), and press a button to sound a bell when you know the answer. (If you need a hint: The word is a fruit.2) EEGs or fMRIs (functional MRIs) revealed the problem solver’s brain activity. In the first experiment, about half the solutions were by a sudden Aha! insight. Before the Aha! moment, the problem solvers’ frontal lobes (which are involved in focusing attention) were active, and there was a burst of activity in the right temporal lobe, just above the ear (FIGURE 9.3 below). In another experiment, researchers used electrical stimulation to decrease left hemisphere activity and increase right hemisphere activity. The result was improved insight, less restrained by the assumptions created by past experience (Chi & Snyder, 2011).
Insight strikes suddenly, with no prior sense of “getting warmer” or feeling close to a solution (Knoblich & Oellinger, 2006; Metcalfe, 1986). When the answer pops into mind (apple!), we feel a happy sense of satisfaction. The joy of a joke may similarly lie in our sudden comprehension of an unexpected ending or a double meaning: “You don’t need a parachute to skydive. You only need a parachute to skydive twice.” Comedian Groucho Marx was a master at this: “I once shot an elephant in my pajamas. How he got in my pajamas I’ll never know.”
confirmation bias a tendency to search for information that supports our preconceptions and to ignore or distort contradictory evidence.
Inventive as we are, other cognitive tendencies may lead us astray. For example, we more eagerly seek out and favor evidence that supports our ideas than evidence that refutes them (Klayman & Ha, 1987; Skov & Sherman, 1986). Peter Wason (1960) demonstrated this tendency, known as confirmation bias, by giving British university students the three-
“Ordinary people,” said Wason (1981), “evade facts, become inconsistent, or systematically defend themselves against the threat of new information relevant to the issue.” Thus, once people form a belief—
“The human understanding, when any proposition has been once laid down … forces everything else to add fresh support and confirmation.”
Francis Bacon, Novum Organum, 1620
Once we incorrectly represent a problem, it’s hard to restructure how we approach it. If the solution to the matchstick problem in FIGURE 9.4 eludes you, you may be experiencing fixation—an inability to see a problem from a fresh perspective. (For the solution, see FIGURE 9.5.)
mental set a tendency to approach a problem in one particular way, often a way that has been successful in the past.
A prime example of fixation is mental set, our tendency to approach a problem with the mind-
Given the sequence O-
Most people have difficulty recognizing that the three final letters are F(ive), S(ix), and S(even). But solving this problem may make the next one easier:
Given the sequence J-
As a perceptual set predisposes what we perceive, a mental set predisposes how we think; sometimes this can be an obstacle to problem solving, as when our mental set from our past experiences with matchsticks predisposes us to arrange them in two dimensions.
intuition an effortless, immediate, automatic feeling or thought, as contrasted with explicit, conscious reasoning.
When making each day’s hundreds of judgments and decisions (Is it worth the bother to take a jacket? Can I trust this person? Should I shoot the basketball or pass to the player who’s hot?), we seldom take the time and effort to reason systematically. We just follow our intuition, our fast, automatic, unreasoned feelings and thoughts. After interviewing policy makers in government, business, and education, social psychologist Irving Janis (1986) concluded that they “often do not use a reflective problem-
availability heuristic estimating the likelihood of events based on their availability in memory; if instances come readily to mind (perhaps because of their vividness), we presume such events are common.
The Availability Heuristic
When we need to act quickly, the mental shortcuts we call heuristics enable snap judgments. Thanks to our mind’s automatic information processing, intuitive judgments are instantaneous. They also are usually effective (Gigerenzer & Sturm, 2012). However, research by cognitive psychologists Amos Tversky and Daniel Kahneman (1974) showed how these generally helpful shortcuts can lead even the smartest people into dumb decisions.3 The availability heuristic operates when we estimate the likelihood of events based on how mentally available they are—
“Kahneman and his colleagues and students have changed the way we think about the way people think.”
American Psychological Association President Sharon Brehm, 2007
The availability heuristic can distort our judgments of other people, too. Anything that makes information pop into mind—
“In creating these problems, we didn’t set out to fool people. All our problems fooled us, too.” Amos Tversky (1985)
“Intuitive thinking [is] fine most of the time…. But sometimes that habit of mind gets us in trouble.” Daniel Kahneman (2005)
Even during that horrific year, terrorist acts claimed comparatively few lives. Yet when the statistical reality of greater dangers (see FIGURE 9.6) was pitted against the 9/11 terror, the memorable case won: Emotion-
“Don’t believe everything you think.”
Bumper sticker
We often fear the wrong things (See below for Thinking Critically About: The Fear Factor). We fear flying because we visualize air disasters. We fear letting our sons and daughters walk to school because we see mental snapshots of abducted and brutalized children. We fear swimming in ocean waters because we replay Jaws with ourselves as victims. Even just passing by a person who sneezes and coughs heightens our perceptions of various health risks (Lee et al., 2010). And so, thanks to such readily available images, we come to fear extremely rare events.
The Fear Factor—Why We Fear the Wrong Things
9-4 What factors contribute to our fear of unlikely events?
After the 9/11 attacks, many people feared flying more than driving. In a 2006 Gallup survey, only 40 percent of Americans reported being “not afraid at all” to fly. Yet from 2009 to 2011 Americans were—mile for mile—170 times more likely to die in a vehicle accident than on a scheduled flight (National Safety Council, 2014). In 2011, 21,221 people died in U.S. car or light truck accidents, while zero (as in 2010) died on scheduled airline flights. When flying, the most dangerous part of the trip is the drive to the airport.
In a late 2001 essay, I [DM] calculated that if—because of 9/11—we flew 20 percent less and instead drove half those unflown miles, about 800 more people would die in the year after the 9/11 attacks (Myers, 2001). German psychologist Gerd Gigerenzer (2004, 2006; Gaissmaier & Gigerenzer, 2012) later checked my estimate against actual accident data. (Why didn’t I think to do that?) U.S. traffic deaths did indeed increase significantly in the last three months of 2001 (FIGURE 9.7). By the end of 2002, Gigerenzer estimated, 1600 Americans had “lost their lives on the road by trying to avoid the risk of flying.”
Why do we in so many ways fear the wrong things? Why do so many American parents fear school shootings, when their child is more likely to be killed by lightning (Ripley, 2013)? Psychologists have identified four influences that feed fear and cause us to ignore higher risks.
The news, and our own memorable experiences, can make us disproportionately fearful of infinitesimal risks. As one risk analyst explained, “If it’s in the news, don’t worry about it. The very definition of news is ‘something that hardly ever happens’” (Schneier, 2007).
“Fearful people are more dependent, more easily manipulated and controlled, more susceptible to deceptively simple, strong, tough measures and hard-
Media researcher George Gerbner to U.S. Congressional Subcommittee on Communications, 1981
If a tragic event such as a plane crash makes the news, it is noteworthy and unusual, unlike much more common bad events, such as traffic accidents. Knowing this, we can worry less about unlikely events and think more about improving the safety of our everyday activities. (For example, we can wear a seat belt when in a vehicle and use the crosswalk when walking.)
To offer a vivid depiction of climate change, Cal Tech scientists created an interactive map of global temperatures over the past 120 years (see
Meanwhile, the lack of comparably available images of global climate change—
Dramatic outcomes make us gasp; probabilities we hardly grasp. As of 2013, some 40 nations—
overconfidence the tendency to be more confident than correct—to overestimate the accuracy of our beliefs and judgments.
Sometimes our judgments and decisions go awry simply because we are more confident than correct. Across various tasks, people overestimate their performance (Metcalfe, 1998). If 60 percent of people correctly answer a factual question, such as “Is absinthe a liqueur or a precious stone?,” they will typically average 75 percent confidence (Fischhoff et al., 1977). (It’s a licorice-
It was an overconfident BP that, before its exploded drilling platform spewed oil into the Gulf of Mexico, downplayed safety concerns, and then downplayed the spill’s magnitude (Mohr et al., 2010; Urbina, 2010). It is overconfidence that drives stockbrokers and investment managers to market their ability to outperform stock market averages (Malkiel, 2012). A purchase of stock X, recommended by a broker who judges this to be the time to buy, is usually balanced by a sale made by someone who judges this to be the time to sell. Despite their confidence, buyer and seller cannot both be right.
Overconfidence can also feed extreme political views. People with a superficial understanding of proposals for cap-
Hofstadter’s Law: It always takes longer than you expect, even when you take into account Hofstadter’s Law.
Douglas Hofstadter, Gödel, Escher, Bach: The Eternal Golden Braid, 1979
Classrooms are full of overconfident students who expect to finish assignments and write papers ahead of schedule (Buehler et al., 1994, 2002). In fact, the projects generally take about twice the number of days predicted. We also overestimate our future leisure time (Zauberman & Lynch, 2005). Anticipating how much more we will accomplish next month, we happily accept invitations and assignments, only to discover we’re just as busy when the day rolls around. The same “planning fallacy” (underestimating time and money) appears everywhere. Boston’s mega-
“When you know a thing, to hold that you know it; and when you do not know a thing, to allow that you do not know it; this is knowledge.”
Confucius (551–479 b.c.e.), Analects
Overconfidence can have adaptive value. People who err on the side of overconfidence live more happily. They seem more competent than others (Anderson et al., 2012). Moreover, given prompt and clear feedback, as weather forecasters receive after each day’s predictions, we can learn to be more realistic about the accuracy of our judgments (Fischhoff, 1982). The wisdom to know when we know a thing and when we do not is born of experience.
belief perseverance clinging to one’s initial conceptions after the basis on which they were formed has been discredited.
Belief Perseverance
Our overconfidence is startling; equally so is our belief perseverance—our tendency to cling to our beliefs in the face of contrary evidence. One study of belief perseverence engaged people with opposing views of capital punishment (Lord et al., 1979). After studying two supposedly new research findings, one supporting and the other refuting the claim that the death penalty deters crime, each side was more impressed by the study supporting its own beliefs. And each readily disputed the other study. Thus, showing the pro-
To rein in belief perseverance, a simple remedy exists: Consider the opposite. When the same researchers repeated the capital-
The more we come to appreciate why our beliefs might be true, the more tightly we cling to them. Once we have explained to ourselves why we believe a child is “gifted” or has a “specific learning disorder,” we tend to ignore evidence undermining our belief. Once beliefs form and get justified, it takes more compelling evidence to change them than it did to create them. Prejudice persists. Beliefs often persevere.
framing the way an issue is posed; how an issue is framed can significantly affect decisions and judgments.
The Effects of Framing
Framing—the way we present an issue—
Similarly, 9 in 10 college students rated a condom as effective if told it had a supposed “95 percent success rate” in stopping the HIV virus. Only 4 in 10 judged it effective when told it had a “5 percent failure rate” (Linville et al., 1992). To scare people even more, frame risks as numbers, not percentages. People told that a chemical exposure was projected to kill 10 of every 10 million people (imagine 10 dead people!) felt more frightened than did those told the fatality risk was an infinitesimal .000001 (Kraus et al., 1992).
Framing can be a powerful persuasion tool. Carefully posed options can nudge people toward decisions that could benefit them or society as a whole (Benartzi & Thaler, 2013; Thaler & Sunstein, 2008):
The point to remember: Those who understand the power of framing can use it to nudge our decisions.
The Perils and Powers of Intuition
The perils of intuition—
So, are our heads indeed filled with straw? Good news: Cognitive scientists are also revealing intuition’s powers. Here is a summary of some of the high points:
Critics of this research remind us that deliberate, conscious thought also furthers smart thinking (Lassiter et al., 2009; Payne et al., 2008). In challenging situations, superior decision makers, including chess players, take time to think (Moxley et al., 2012). And with many sorts of problems, deliberative thinkers are aware of the intuitive option, but know when to override it (Mata et al., 2013). Consider:
A bat and a ball together cost 110 cents.
The bat costs 100 cents more than the ball.
How much does the ball cost?
Most people’s intuitive response—
The bottom line: Our two-
creativity the ability to produce new and valuable ideas.
Creativity is the ability to produce ideas that are both novel and valuable (Hennessey & Amabile, 2010). Consider Princeton mathematician Andrew Wiles’ incredible, creative moment. Pierre de Fermat, a seventeenth-
convergent thinking narrowing the available problem solutions to determine the single best solution.
Wiles had pondered Fermat’s theorem for more than 30 years and had come to the brink of a solution. One morning, out of the blue, the final “incredible revelation” struck him. “It was so indescribably beautiful; it was so simple and so elegant. I couldn’t understand how I’d missed it…. It was the most important moment of my working life” (Singh, 1997, p. 25).
divergent thinking expanding the number of possible problem solutions; creative thinking that diverges in different directions.
Creativity like Wiles’ is supported by a certain level of aptitude (ability to learn). Those who score exceptionally high in quantitative aptitude as 13-
Although there is no agreed-
For those seeking to boost the creative process, research offers some ideas:
1. Algorithm
2. Intuition
3. Insight
4. Heuristics
5. Fixation
6. Confirmation bias
7. Overconfidence
8. Creativity
9. Framing
10. Belief perseverance
a. Inability to view problems from a new angle; focuses thinking but hinders creative problem solving.
b. Methodological rule or procedure that guarantees a solution but requires time and effort.
c. Fast, automatic, effortless feelings and thoughts based on our experience; huge and adaptive but can lead us to overfeel and underthink.
d. Simple thinking shortcuts that allow us to act quickly and efficiently, but put us at risk for errors.
e. Sudden Aha! reaction that provides instant realization of the solution.
f. Tendency to search for support for our own views and ignore contradictory evidence.
g. Ignoring evidence that proves our beliefs are wrong; closes our mind to new ideas.
h. Overestimating the accuracy of our beliefs and judgments; allows us to be happy and to make decisions easily, but puts us at risk for errors.
i. Wording a question or statement so that it evokes a desired response; can influence others’ decisions and produce a misleading result.
j. The ability to produce novel and valuable ideas.
1. b, 2. c, 3. e, 4. d, 5. a, 6. f, 7. h, 8. j, 9. i, 10. g
Other animals are smarter than we often realize. In her 1908 book, The Animal Mind, pioneering psychologist Margaret Floy Washburn argued that animal consciousness and intelligence can be inferred from their behavior. In 2012, neuroscientists convening at the University of Cambridge added that animal consciousness can also be inferred from their brains: “Nonhuman animals, including all mammals and birds,” possess the neural networks “that generate consciousness” (Low et al., 2012). Consider, then, what animal brains can do.
Using Concepts and Numbers
Even pigeons—
Until his death in 2007, Alex, an African Grey parrot, categorized and named objects (Pepperberg, 2009, 2012, 2013). Among his jaw-
Displaying Insight
Psychologist Wolfgang Köhler (1925) showed that we are not the only creatures to display insight. He placed a piece of fruit and a long stick outside the cage of a chimpanzee named Sultan, beyond his reach. Inside the cage, he placed a short stick, which Sultan grabbed, using it to try to reach the fruit. After several failed attempts, he dropped the stick and seemed to survey the situation. Then suddenly (as if thinking “Aha!”), Sultan jumped up and seized the short stick again. This time, he used it to pull in the longer stick—
Birds, too, have displayed insight. One experiment, by (yes) Christopher Bird and Nathan Emery (2009), has brought to life an Aesop fable in which a thirsty crow was unable to reach the water in a partly filled pitcher. See its solution in FIGURE 9.8a.
Using Tools and Transmitting Culture
Like humans, many other species invent behaviors and transmit cultural patterns to their peers and offspring (Boesch-
Researchers have found at least 39 local customs related to chimpanzee tool use, grooming, and courtship (Claidière & Whiten, 2012; Whiten & Boesch, 2001). One group may slurp termites directly from a stick, another group may pluck them off individually. One group may break nuts with a stone hammer, their neighbors with a wooden hammer. These group differences, along with differing communication and hunting styles, are the chimpanzee version of cultural diversity. Several experiments have brought chimpanzee cultural transmission into the laboratory (Horner et al., 2006). If Chimpanzee A obtains food either by sliding or by lifting a door, Chimpanzee B will then typically do the same to get food. And so will Chimpanzee C after observing Chimpanzee B. Across a chain of six animals, chimpanzees see, and chimpanzees do.
Other Cognitive Skills
A baboon knows everyone’s voice within its 80-
There is no question that other species display many remarkable cognitive skills. But one big question remains: Do they, like humans, exhibit language? In the next section, we’ll first consider what language is and how it develops.
Returning to our debate about how deserving we humans are of our name Homo sapiens, let’s pause to issue an interim report card. On decision making and risk assessment, our error-
REVIEW | Thinking |
RETRIEVAL PRACTICE Take a moment to answer each of these Learning Objective Questions (repeated here from within this section). Then click the 'show answer' button to check your answers. Research suggests that trying to answer these questions on your own will improve your long-term retention (McDaniel et al., 2009).
Cognition refers to all the mental activities associated with thinking, knowing, remembering, and communicating. We use concepts, mental groupings of similar objects, events, ideas, or people, to simplify and order the world around us. We form most concepts around prototypes, or best examples of a category.
An algorithm is a methodical, logical rule or procedure (such as a step-by-step description for evacuating a building during a fire) that guarantees a solution to a problem. A heuristic is a simpler strategy (such as running for an exit if you smell smoke) that is usually speedier than an algorithm but is also more error prone. Insight is not a strategy-based solution, but rather a sudden flash of inspiration that solves a problem.
Obstacles to problem solving include confirmation bias, which predisposes us to verify rather than challenge our hypotheses, and fixation, such as mental set, which may prevent us from taking the fresh perspective that would lead to a solution.
Intuition is the effortless, immediate, automatic feelings or thoughts we often use instead of systematic reasoning. Heuristics enable snap judgments. Using the availability heuristic, we judge the likelihood of things based on how readily they come to mind, which often leads us to fear the wrong things. Overconfidence can lead us to overestimate the accuracy of our beliefs. When a belief we have formed and explained has been discredited, belief perseverance may cause us to cling to that belief. A remedy for belief perseverance is to consider how we might have explained an opposite result. Framing is the way a question or statement is worded. Subtle wording differences can dramatically alter our responses.
We tend to be afraid of what our ancestral history has prepared us to fear (thus, snakes instead of cigarettes); what we cannot control (flying instead of driving); what is immediate (the takeoff and landing of flying instead of countless moments of trivial danger while driving); and what is most readily available (vivid images of air disasters instead of countless safe car trips).
As people gain expertise, they grow adept at making quick, shrewd judgments. Smart thinkers welcome their intuitions (which are usually adaptive), but when making complex decisions they gather as much information as possible and then take time to let their two-track mind process all available information.
Creativity, the ability to produce novel and valuable ideas, correlates somewhat with aptitude, but is more than school smarts. Aptitude tests require convergent thinking, but creativity requires divergent thinking. Robert Sternberg has proposed that creativity has five components: expertise; imaginative thinking skills; a venturesome personality; intrinsic motivation; and a creative environment that sparks, supports, and refines creative ideas.
Researchers make inferences about other species’ consciousness and intelligence based on behavior. Evidence from studies of various species shows that other animals use concepts, numbers, and tools and that they transmit learning from one generation to the next (cultural transmission). And, like humans, other species also show insight, self-awareness, altruism, cooperation, and grief.
RETRIEVAL PRACTICE Match each of the terms on the left with its definition on the right. Click on the term first and then click on the matching definition. As you match them correctly they will move to the bottom of the activity.
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