Table 401.7: TABLE 7 Sample MCAT Correlation with Psychology in Everyday Life, Fourth Edition
MCAT 2015 Psychology in Everyday Life, Fourth Edition, Correlations
Content Category 6C: Responding to the world Page Number
Emotion Emotion: Arousal, Behavior, and Cognition; Embodied Emotion; Expressed and Experienced Emotion 270–283
Three components of emotion (i.e., cognitive, physiological, behavioral) Emotion: Arousal, Behavior, and Cognition 270–273
Universal emotions (e.g., fear, anger, happiness, surprise, joy, disgust, and sadness) The Basic Emotions 273–274
Culture and Emotion—including the universal emotions 278–279
Adaptive role of emotion Emotion as the body’s adaptive response 270
Emotions and the Autonomic Nervous System 274
Theories of emotion
James-Lange theory James-Lange Theory: Arousal Comes Before Emotion 271
Cannon-Bard theory Cannon-Bard Theory: Arousal and Emotion Happen at the Same Time 271
Schachter-Singer theory Schachter and Singer Two-Factor Theory: Arousal + Label = Emotion 271–272
The role of biological processes in perceiving emotion Emotions and the Autonomic Nervous System 274
Brain regions involved in the generation and experience of emotions The Physiology of Emotions 274
Zajonc, LeDoux, and Lazarus: Emotion and the Two-Track Brain 272–273
The role of the limbic system in emotion Emotions and the Autonomic Nervous System 274
Physiological differences among specific emotions 274–275
Emotion and the autonomic nervous system Emotions and the Autonomic Nervous System 274
Physiological markers of emotion (signatures of emotion) The Physiology of Emotions 274–276
Stress Stress, Health, and Human Flourishing 284–311
The nature of stress Stress: Some Basic Concepts 286–288
Appraisal Stress appraisal 286
Different types of stressors (i.e., cataclysmic events, personal) Stressors—Things That Push Our Buttons 286–287
Effects of stress on psychological functions Stress Reactions—From Alarm to Exhaustion 287–288
Stress outcomes/response to stressors Stress Reactions—From Alarm to Exhaustion 287–288
Physiological Stress Reactions—From Alarm to Exhaustion 287–288
Stress Effects and Health 288–292
Emotional Stress and Heart Disease—The Effects of Personality Type, The Effects of Pessimism and Depression 290–292
Coping With Stress 293–298
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder 382–385
Behavioral Stress Reactions—From Alarm to Exhaustion 287–288
Coping With Stress 293–298
Managing stress (e.g., exercise, relaxation techniques, spirituality) Managing Stress Effects—aerobic exercise, relaxation and meditation, faith communities 298–302