Table : TABLE 6.4 Comparison of Classical and Operant Conditioning
Classical ConditioningOperant Conditioning
Basic ideaLearning associations between events we don’t controlLearning associations between our own behavior and its consequences
ResponseInvoluntary, automaticVoluntary, operates on environment
AcquisitionAssociating events; NS is paired with US and becomes CSAssociating response with a consequence (reinforcer or punisher)
ExtinctionCR decreases when CS is repeatedly presented aloneResponding decreases when reinforcement stops
Spontaneous recoveryThe reappearance, after a rest period, of an extinguished CRThe reappearance, after a rest period, of an extinguished response
GeneralizationResponding to stimuli similar to the CSResponding to similar stimuli to achieve or prevent a consequence
DiscriminationLearning to distinguish between a CS and other stimuli that do not signal a USLearning that some responses, but not others, will be reinforced