CHAPTER 13 Psychological Disorders

What Is a Psychological Disorder?

13-1 How should we draw the line between normal behavior and psychological disorder?

13-2 Why is there controversy over attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder?


13-3 How do the medical model and the biopsychosocial approach influence our understanding of psychological disorders?

13-4 How and why do clinicians classify psychological disorders, and why do some psychologists criticize the use of diagnostic labels?

Anxiety Disorders, OCD, and PTSD

13-5 How do generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, and phobias differ? How do anxiety disorders differ from the ordinary worries and fears we all experience?

13-6 What is OCD?

13-7 What is PTSD?

13-8 How do conditioning, cognition, and biology contribute to the feelings and thoughts that mark anxiety disorders, OCD, and PTSD?

Substance Use Disorders and Addictive Behaviors

13-9 What are substance use disorders, and what roles do tolerance, withdrawal, and addiction play in these disorders?

13-10 What are depressants, and what are their effects?

13-11 What are stimulants, and what are their effects?

13-12 What are hallucinogens, and what are their effects?

13-13 What biological, psychological, and social-cultural factors help explain why some people abuse mind-altering drugs?

Major Depressive Disorder and Bipolar Disorder

13-14 How do major depressive disorder and bipolar disorder differ?

13-15 How can the biological and social-cognitive perspectives help us understand major depressive disorder and bipolar disorder?

13-16 What factors increase the risk of suicide, and why do some people injure themselves?


13-17 What patterns of perceiving, thinking, and feeling characterize schizophrenia?

13-18 How do acute schizophrenia and chronic schizophrenia differ?

13-19 What brain abnormalities are associated with schizophrenia?


13-20 What prenatal events are associated with increased risk of developing schizophrenia?

13-21 How do genes influence schizophrenia?

Other Disorders

13-22 What are the three main eating disorders, and how do biological, psychological, and social-cultural influences make people more vulnerable to them?

13-23 What are dissociative disorders, and why are they controversial?

13-24 What characteristics are typical of personality disorders in general, and what biological and psychological factors are associated with antisocial personality disorder?

Does “Disorder” Equal “Danger”?

13-25 Are people with psychological disorders likely to commit violent acts?