CHAPTER 4 Sex, Gender, and Sexuality

Gender Development

4-1 How does the meaning of gender differ from the meaning of sex?

4-2 What are some ways in which males and females tend to be alike and to differ?

4-3 What factors contribute to gender bias in the workplace?

4-4 How do sex hormones influence prenatal and adolescent development, and what is an intersex condition?

4-5 How do gender roles and gender identity differ?

Human Sexuality

4-6 How do hormones influence human sexual motivation?

4-7 What is the human sexual response cycle, and how can sexual dysfunctions interfere with this cycle?

4-8 How can sexually transmitted infections be prevented?

4-9 How do external and imagined stimuli contribute to sexual arousal?

4-10 What factors influence teenagers’ sexual behaviors and use of contraceptives?

Sexual Orientation

4-11 What has research taught us about sexual orientation?

An Evolutionary Explanation of Human Sexuality

4-12 How might an evolutionary psychologist explain male-female differences in sexuality and mating preferences?


4-13 What are the key criticisms of evolutionary explanations of human sexuality, and how do evolutionary psychologists respond?

Social Influences on Human Sexuality

4-14 What roles do social factors play in our sexuality?

Reflections on the Nature and Nurture of Sex, Gender, and Sexuality

4-15 How do nature, nurture, and our own choices influence gender roles and sexuality?