Chapter 14 In Your Everyday Life

Answering these questions will help you make these concepts more personally meaningful, and therefore more memorable.

  1. What do you think about psychodynamic and humanistic “talk therapy”? Have you ever found yourself using similar ideas when talking with upset friends or family members?

  2. Critics say that behavior modification techniques, such as those used in token economies, are not humane. Do you agree or disagree? Why?

  3. Have you ever had trouble reaching a goal at school or work because of your own irrational thoughts? How could you challenge these thoughts?

  4. How might you use the general helping principles discussed in this chapter during a conversation with a friend who is having family problems?

  5. Which lifestyle changes could you make to improve your resilience and enhance your mental health?

  6. What were your impressions of biomedical therapies before reading this chapter? Are any of your views different now? Why or why not?

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