Chapter 4 Test


Test yourself repeatedly throughout your studies. This will not only help you figure out what you know and don’t know; the testing itself will help you learn and remember the information more effectively thanks to the testing effect.

Question 4.28

1. Psychologists define ____ as the biologically influenced characteristics by which people define males and females. The socially influenced characteristics by which people define men and women is _____.

sex; gender

Question 4.29

2. Females and males are very similar to each other. But one way they differ is that

  1. females are more physically aggressive than males.

  2. males are more democratic than females in their leadership roles.

  3. as children, females tend to play in small groups, while males tend to play in large groups.

  4. females are more likely to commit suicide.


Question 4.30

3. A fertilized egg will develop into a boy if it receives a/n _________ chromosome from its father.


Question 4.31

4. Primary sex characteristics relate to _____; secondary sex characteristics refer to ______.

  1. spermarche; menarche

  2. breasts and facial hair; ovaries and testes

  3. emotional maturity; hormone surges

  4. reproductive organs; nonreproductive traits


Question 4.32

5. On average, girls begin puberty at about the age of _____, boys at about the age of _______.

11; 12

Question 4.33

6. A person born with sexual anatomy that differs from typical male or female anatomy may be considered ________.


Question 4.34

7. Gender role refers to our

  1. personal sense of being male or female.

  2. culture’s expectations about the “right” way for males and females to behave.

  3. assigned birth sex—our chromosomes and anatomy.

  4. unisex characteristics.


Question 4.35

8. Our sense of being male, female, or some combination of the two is known as our ______ _____.

gender identity

Question 4.36

9. A striking effect of hormonal changes on human sexual behavior is the

  1. end of sexual desire in men over 60.

  2. sharp rise in sexual interest at puberty.

  3. decrease in women’s sexual desire at the time of ovulation.

  4. increase in testosterone levels in castrated males.


Question 4.37

10. In describing the sexual response cycle, Masters and Johnson noted that

  1. a plateau phase follows orgasm.

  2. men experience a refractory period during which they cannot experience orgasm.

  3. the feeling that accompanies orgasm is stronger in men than in women.

  4. testosterone is released equally in women and men.


Question 4.38

11. Using condoms during sex _____ (does/doesn’t) reduce the risk of getting HIV and ______ (does/doesn’t) fully protect against skin-to-skin STIs.

does; doesn’t

Question 4.39

12. An example of an external stimulus that might influence sexual behavior is

  1. the level of testosterone in the bloodstream.

  2. the onset of puberty.

  3. a sexually explicit film.

  4. an erotic fantasy or dream.


Question 4.40

13. Evolutionary psychologists are most likely to focus on

  1. how we differ from one another.

  2. the social consequences of learned behaviors.

  3. the natural selection of traits that helped our ancestors survive and reproduce.

  4. cultural expectations about the “right” ways for men and women to behave.


Find answers to these questions in Appendix E, in the back of the book.