Chapter 13. Chapter 13: Evolution and Diversity Among the Microbes

Review & Rehearse
You must read each slide, and complete any questions on the slide, in sequence.


Review the visual summaries and answer the essay questions below.

Make sure to enter a brief response that completely answers each question and explains your reasoning. When you click "Submit," you will be provided instant feedback, allowing you to check if your response is correct.

(This activity contains 18 total essay questions. Each new question will be revealed once you complete the preceding question.)


1. Why does an amoeba not need a respiratory system?

Amoebas are tiny cells. Their small size allows the exchange of gases, including oxygen and carbon dioxide, across their cell membrane at a high enough rate to meet their metabolic needs, so they do not require a respiratory system. Larger, multicellular organisms do require a respiratory system because, without it, gas exchange cannot occur at a rate fast enough to meet their metabolic needs.

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