Review the visual summaries and answer the essay questions below.
Make sure to enter a brief response that completely answers each question and explains your reasoning. When you click "Submit," you will be provided instant feedback, allowing you to check if your response is correct.
(This activity contains 15 total essay questions. Each new question will be revealed once you complete the preceding question.)
1. Describe the two elements of an organism’s physical or abiotic environment.
2. What changes in climate occur on moving from the equator toward the Poles? Which two aspects of weather determine the type of biome found at any location?
3. Why are areas at lower latitudes typically warmer than high-latitude areas?
4. You are charged with creating a “greener” city that will be cooler and use less air
conditioning. Describe three strategies by which you could help achieve this goal.
5. Why is the water on the beaches of southern California so cold relative to water on east coast beaches?
6. Why is the term food web more accurate than food chain when describing the pathway of energy flow?
7. Describe the energy flow that occurs through an ecosystem. How does this energy flow influence the number of top carnivores?
8. Why do levels of CO2 in the northern hemisphere have ups and downs throughout the year?
9. Give an example to demonstrate that “natural selection does not distinguish between biotic and abiotic resources as selective forces.”
10. What is a niche? What is the potential fate of two species that occupy the same niche?
11. When the niches of species overlap, the result is competition. Describe the two possible outcomes from competition.
12. Why would you expect plants to have chemical defense mechanisms to reduce
13. Describe a feature of rabies that reflects the mechanism by which the disease is
transmitted from one host to the next.
14. Why is commensalism described as an interaction with a winner but no loser?
15. Which feature is crucial for the colonizers seen in the earliest stages of primary
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