Review the information provided in the graph to answer each question below.
After submitting your answer, you will be provided feedback to check if your response is correct.
(This activity contains 8 questions.)
1. What idea is conveyed by the “fuzzy” borders to each slice of the pie? How else could these data (and the uncertainty associated with them) be conveyed?
2. What is the reason for the color scheme used in this graph (two different shades of blue, multiple shades of green, and yellow and red)?
3. Would it be helpful to have actual percentages included with each slice of the pie? Why might percentages have been excluded?
4. Which group of pollinators is used by the largest number of flowering plant species? Approximately what proportion of plant species are pollinated by this group of pollinators? Which pollinators come in second?
5. Why might it be useful to know the specific habitats surveyed in collecting the data reported here?
6. What are two important conclusions you can draw from this pie chart?
7. The total pie represents “all flowering plant species.” Why would the pie chart differ if it instead reported the proportion of all plants (individuals, rather than species) that are pollinated by each type of pollinator?
8. What are the risks of reporting and interpreting data described as “loose approximations”? Are there benefits that outweigh the risks?
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