Section 12.3

Question 40

40.image A yeast gene termed SER3, which has a role in serine biosynthesis, is repressed during growth in nutrient-rich medium, and so little transcription takes place and little SER3 enzyme is produced. In an investigation of the nature of the repression of the SER3 gene, a region of DNA upstream of the SER3 gene was found to be heavily transcribed when the SER3 gene is repressed (J. A. Martens, L. Laprade, and F. Winston. 2004. Nature 429:571–574). Within this upstream region is a promoter that stimulates the transcription of an RNA molecule called SRG1 RNA (for SER3 regulatory gene 1). This RNA molecule has none of the sequences necessary for translation. Mutations in the promoter for SRG1 result in the disappearance of SRG1 RNA, and these mutations remove the repression of SER3. When RNA polymerase binds to the SRG1 promoter, the polymerase has been found to travel downstream, transcribing the SGR1 RNA, and to pass through and transcribe the promoter for SER3. This activity leads to the repression of SER3. Propose a possible explanation for how the transcription of SGR1 might repress the transcription of SER3. (Hint: Remember that the SGR1 RNA does not encode a protein.)

Question 41

41.A common feature of many eukaryotic mRNAs is the presence of a rather long 3′ UTR, which often contains consensus sequences. Creatine kinase B (CK-B) is an enzyme important in cellular metabolism. Certain cells—termed U937D cells—have lots of CK-B mRNA, but no CK-B enzyme is present. In these cells, the 5′ end of the CK-B mRNA is bound to ribosomes, but the mRNA is apparently not translated. Something inhibits the translation of the CK-B mRNA in these cells.

Researchers introduced numerous short segments of RNA containing only 3′ UTR sequences into U937D cells. As a result, the U937D cells began to synthesize the CK-B enzyme, but the total amount of CK-B mRNA did not increase. The introduction of short segments of other RNA sequences did not stimulate the synthesis of CK-B; only the 3′ UTR sequences turned on the translation of the enzyme.

Based on these results, propose a mechanism for how CK-B translation is inhibited in U937D cells. Explain how the introduction of short segments of RNA containing the 3′ UTR sequences might remove the inhibition.

Section 12.4

Question 42

42.image In recent years, techniques have been developed to clone mammals through a process called nuclear transfer, in which the nucleus of a somatic cell is transferred to an egg cell from which the nuclear material has been removed. Research has demonstrated that when a nucleus from a differentiated somatic cell is transferred to an egg cell, only a small percentage of the resulting embryos complete development and many of those that do die shortly after birth. In contrast, when a nucleus from an undifferentiated embryonic stem cell is transferred into an egg cell, the percentage of embryos that complete development is significantly higher (W. M. Rideout, K. Eggan, and R. Jaenisch. 2001. Science 293:1095–1098). Why might the successful development of cloned embryos be higher when the nucleus transferred comes from an undifferentiated embryonic stem cell?