The Molecular Genetics Revolution

The techniques of recombinant DNA technology are just part of the vast array of molecular methods that are now available. These molecular techniques have drastically altered the way in which genes are studied. Previously, information about the structure and organization of genes was gained by examining their phenotypic effects, but molecular genetic analysis allows the nucleotide sequences themselves to be read. This has provided new information about the structure and function of genes and has altered many fundamental concepts of genetics. Our detailed understanding of genetic processes such as replication, transcription, translation, RNA processing, and gene regulation has been gained through the use of molecular genetic techniques. These techniques are used in many other fields as well, including biochemistry, microbiology, developmental biology, neurobiology, evolution, and ecology.

Recombinant DNA technology and other molecular techniques are also being used to create a number of commercial products, including drugs, hormones, enzymes, and crops. The biotechnology industry has grown up around the use of these techniques to develop new products. In medicine, molecular genetic analysis is being used to probe the nature of cancer, diagnose genetic and infectious diseases, produce drugs, and treat hereditary disorders.


Molecular genetics and recombinant DNA technology are used to locate, analyze, alter, study, and recombine DNA sequences. These techniques are used to probe the structure and function of genes, address questions in many areas of biology, create commercial products, and diagnose and treat diseases.