Concept 9.1: DNA Structure Reflects Its Role as the Genetic Material

In Chapter 8 we described Mendel’s experiments in the 1860s demonstrating that genes are physically distinct entities, and other work in the early twentieth century showing that groups of genes are linked together. By the early twentieth century, a “chromosomal theory of inheritance” had been developed, proposing that Mendel’s genes are present in the chromosomes of the cell nucleus. This theory came partly from observations of sea urchins: it was shown that an entire set of chromosomes must be present for a sea urchin embryo to grow and develop. Scientists also observed that homologous chromosomes are paired during meiosis, that crossing over occurs during meiosis I (see Figure 8.14), and that the chromosome pairs separate independently at anaphase I. Thus the behavior of chromosomes accounted for Mendel’s laws of segregation and independent assortment, as well as the later discoveries of linkage and recombination.

We now turn to the actual chemical nature of genes, beginning with the evidence that DNA is the carrier of heritable information. Scientists used two types of evidence to show that DNA is the genetic material: circumstantial and experimental. We will provide examples of both types.

Circumstantial evidence suggested that DNA is the genetic material

Early observations pointed to the possibility that DNA is the genetic material. Scientists found that DNA:

Let’s look at some of these lines of evidence.

DNA in The Nucleus

DNA was first isolated in 1868 by the young Swiss researcher–physician Friedrich Miescher, who isolated cell nuclei from white blood cells in pus from the bandages of wounded soldiers. When he treated these nuclei chemically, a fibrous substance came out of solution. He called it “nuclein” and found that it contained the elements C, H, O, N, and P. With no evidence except for finding it in the nucleus, Miescher boldly proposed that nuclein was the genetic material. His supervising professor was so astounded by Miescher’s work that he repeated it himself in the laboratory, and finally allowed his student to publish it in a scientific journal.

DNA in The Chromosomes

In the early twentieth century dyes were developed that react specifically with DNA, only showing color when they bind to it. This allowed individual cells to be examined for the location and amount of DNA they contained. When dividing cells were stained with such a dye, only the chromosomes were stained:

DNA Amounts

The amount of dye binding to DNA, and hence the intensity of color observed, was directly related to the amount of DNA present: the greater the intensity, the more DNA. This allowed scientists to analyze DNA amounts in individual cells during the cell cycle (see Concept 7.2).

When a population of actively dividing cells was stained with dye, the amount of DNA in each cell could be quantified by passing the cells one by one through an instrument called a flow cytometer. In general, two populations of cells were seen: most cells were in G1 and contained half the amount of DNA that was in the remaining cells, which were in S, G2, or M (FIGURE 9.1). Such staining experiments confirmed two other predictions for DNA as the genetic material:

Figure 9.1: DNA in the Cell Cycle When dividing cells are stained and analyzed by flow cytometry, there are two populations in terms of DNA content, seen as two peaks in the above graph.


Experimental evidence confirmed that DNA is the genetic material

Circumstantial evidence can show correlations between two phenomena. However, scientists rely on experiments to provide evidence of a cause-and-effect relationship. Chromosomes in eukaryotic cells contain DNA, but they also contain proteins that are bound to DNA. Therefore it was difficult to rule out the possibility that genetic information might be carried in proteins. In order to confirm that DNA was the genetic material, biologists used model organisms such as bacteria in transformation experiments. They found, for example, that the addition of DNA from one strain of bacterium could genetically transform another strain:

Bacterium strain A + strain B DNA → bacterium strain B

Viruses provided another system to explore this question. Many viruses, including bacteriophage (viruses that infect bacteria), are composed of DNA and only one or a few kinds of protein. When a bacteriophage infects a bacterium, it takes about 20 minutes for the virus to hijack the bacterium’s metabolic capabilities and turn the bacterium into a virus factory. Minutes later, the bacterium is dead and hundreds of viruses are released.

The transition from bacterium to virus producer is a change in the genetic program of the bacterial cell, resulting in a change of phenotype. Experiments showed that only the viral DNA is injected into the cell during infection (FIGURE 9.2). Since the viral DNA genetically transformed the bacteria, this was further evidence that DNA and not protein is the genetic material.

Figure 9.2: Viral DNA and Not Protein Enters Host Cells Bacteriophage T2 infects E. coli and depends on the bacterium to produce new viruses. The bacteriophage consists entirely of DNA contained within a protein coat. When the virus infects an E. coli cell, its DNA, but not its protein coat, is injected into the host bacterium.

The transformation of mammalian cells with a gene for antibiotic resistance provided another model system for showing that DNA is the genetic material (FIGURE 9.3). When cultured mammalian cells were treated with DNA containing a gene for resistance to the antibiotic neomycin, the cells were able to grow on media containing the antibiotic.



DNA can transform eukaryotic cells.

Figure 9.3: Transformation of Eukaryotic Cells A DNA molecule can be treated chemically so that it is taken up from a solution by mammalian cells. The inclusion of an antibiotic resistance gene shows that the cells have been genetically transformed by the DNA.a


The cells were transformed by DNA.


Transformation was achieved by adding the DNA in a solution of calcium phosphate (Ca3[PO4]2) at pH 6.95. Ca3(PO4)2 produces Ca2+ in solution; this neutralizes negative charges on the DNA and on the cell membrane, thus allowing the DNA to pass through the membrane. In other experiments, the type or amount of DNA and pH were varied. Transformation efficiency was calculated as the percentage of cells that produced colonies on a medium containing neomycin, compared with cells growing on medium without neomycin. Explain the transformation efficiency in terms of the conditions given in the data.

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a C. Chen and H. Okayama. 1987. Molecular and Cellular Biology 7: 2745–2752.

Many kinds of cells can be transformed in this way—even egg cells. In this case, a whole new genetically transformed organism can result. The fertilized egg can develop into a new multicellular organism through mitosis; such an organism is referred to as transgenic. These methods form the basis of much applied research, including biotechnology and genetic engineering. The transformation of multicellular eukaryotes provides powerful experimental evidence for DNA as the genetic material.

The Discovery Of The Three-Dimensional Structure Of DNA Was A Milestone In Biology

Mendel showed that genes are physically distinct entities, and further research identified DNA as the genetic material. The history of how the actual structure of DNA was deciphered is worth considering, as it represents not only talented scientists working together, but also a landmark in our understanding of biology.

By the mid-twentieth century, the chemical makeup of DNA, as a polymer made up of nucleotide monomers, had been known for several decades. In determining the structure of DNA, scientists hoped to answer two additional questions:

They were eventually able to answer both questions. The structure of DNA was deciphered only after many types of experimental evidence were considered together.

X-Ray Crystallography Provided Clues To DNA’s Structure

The most crucial evidence was obtained using X-ray crystallography. Some chemical substances, when they are isolated and purified, can be made to form crystals. The positions of atoms in a crystallized substance can be inferred from the diffraction pattern of X rays passing through the substance (FIGURE 9.4A). The structure of DNA would not have been characterized without the crystallographs prepared in the early 1950s by the English chemist Rosalind Franklin (FIGURE 9.4B). Franklin’s work, in turn, depended on the success of the English biophysicist Maurice Wilkins, who prepared samples containing very uniformly oriented DNA fibers. These fibers and the crystallographs Franklin prepared from them suggested a spiral or helical molecule.

Figure 9.4: X-Ray Crystallography Helped Reveal the Structure of DNA (A) The positions of atoms in a crystallized chemical substance can be inferred by the pattern of diffraction of X rays passed through it. The pattern of DNA is both highly regular and repetitive. (B) Rosalind Franklin’s crystallographs helped other scientists visualize the helical structure of the DNA molecule.

The Nucleotide Composition Of DNA Was Known

The chemical composition of DNA also provided important clues to its structure. Biochemists knew that DNA is a polymer of nucleotides. Each of these nucleotides consists of a molecule of the sugar deoxyribose, a phosphate group, and a nitrogen-containing base (see Figure 3.1). The only differences among the four nucleotides of DNA are their nitrogenous bases: the purines adenine (A) and guanine (G), and the pyrimidines cytosine (C) and thymine (T) (see Figure 3.1).



In 1950, biochemist Erwin Chargaff at Columbia University reported an important observation. He and his colleagues had found that DNA samples from many different species—and from different sources within a single organism—exhibited certain regularities. The following rule held for each sample: the amount of adenine equaled the amount of thymine (A = T), and the amount of guanine equaled the amount of cytosine (G = C). As a result, the total abundance of purines (A + G) equaled the total abundance of pyrimidines (T + C):

The structure of DNA could not have been worked out without this observation, now known as Chargaff’s rule.

Watson And Crick Described The Double Helix

Chemical model building is the assembly of three-dimensional structures using known relative molecular dimensions and known bond angles. The English physicist Francis Crick and the American geneticist James D. Watson (FIGURE 9.5A), both then at the Cavendish Laboratory of Cambridge University, used model building to solve the structure of DNA. Rosalind Franklin’s crystallography results convinced them that the DNA molecule must be helical—it must have a spiral shape like a spring. Density measurements and previous model building experiments suggested that there are two polynucleotide chains in the molecule. Modeling studies also showed that the strands run in opposite directions, that is, they are antiparallel. The two strands would not fit together in the model if they were parallel.

Figure 9.5: DNA Is a Double Helix (A) Francis Crick (right) and James Watson (left) proposed that the DNA molecule has a double-helical structure. (B) Biochemists can now pinpoint the position of every atom in a DNA molecule and have verified the essential features of the Watson–Crick model. Two sugar-phosphate chains provide the outer backbones of the double helix, with hydrogen-bonded nitrogenous bases forming “rungs” within the structure.

Go to MEDIA CLIP 9.1 Discovery of the Double Helix

How are nucleotides oriented in DNA chains? Watson and Crick suggested that:

In late February of 1953, Crick and Watson built a model out of tin that established the general structure of DNA. This structure explained all the known chemical properties of DNA, and it opened the door to understanding its biological functions. There have been minor amendments to that first published structure, but its principal features remain unchanged.

Four key features define DNA structure

Four features summarize the molecular architecture of the DNA molecule (FIGURE 9.5B; also review Figure 3.4):

While DNA usually forms a right-handed helix, it can sometimes be found as a much less stable left-handed helix. So-called Z-DNA (“zig-zag DNA”) does not have major and minor grooves and is more elongated and less compact than normal DNA. Z-DNA appears to form in regions of DNA that are being actively transcribed, and it may play a role in stabilizing the DNA during transcription.

The double-helical structure of DNA is essential to its function

The genetic material performs four important functions, and the DNA structure proposed by Watson and Crick was elegantly suited to three of them.



The transcription of DNA into RNA and the translation of RNA into protein are described in detail in Concepts 10.2 and 10.4


  • Compare circumstantial evidence with experimental evidence in science, using DNA as an example.
  • If a DNA molecule is 20 percent G, what are the percentages of the other three bases?
  • A single-stranded sequence of DNA contains 20 A’s, 25 G’s, 35 C’s, and 24 T’s. What is the total base composition of the double-stranded molecule?
  • What circumstantial and experimental evidence would show that protein and not DNA is the genetic material? How would proteins differ from nucleic acids as informational molecules?

We have seen that a DNA molecule consists of long polymers of nucleotides. An individual DNA strand contains thousands or millions (up to about 1 billion) nucleotides in a precise sequence. How is this huge amount of genetic information replicated before cell division?