[music playing]

Caitlyn: Classical conditioning is when a human or animal make a connection between two things that have occurred to stimuli where one predicts the other.

Jake: Classical conditioning was involved when I was working in the Marine Corps as a dog handler and training our dogs to be imprinted with the scent of an explosive. And when working with these dogs, we would have four boxes set up. One of them would have a scent. And as we would go down with our dog and they would sniff those holes-- they had holes cut out in the top of them-- when they hit the one that was imprinted with the scent, immediately the other trainer would throw a Kong-- a toy for the dog.

[music playing]

So right when the dog hit this nose, they heard the Kong hit the ground. Then immediately that smell got associated with a sort of reward.

Kierstin: I had the flu when I was eating Cool Ranch Doritos. So now every time I smell Cool Ranch Doritos or see them, I get really, really nauseous. And it's just that association of I was really sick and not feeling well, had the stomach flu. And then I ate some Cool Ranch Doritos and that did not make me feel any better. So now I'm just not interested in Cool Ranch Doritos at all.

Zana: Every time me and my mom, I have a purse, like my purse, or her purse, we're just getting something, my sister thinks that we're going out. Because when we go out, we take our purse. So she thinks we're going out. So she'll be excited, and start jumping, and she wants to get her shoes and wants to get ready, because she thinks that we're going out. And we're just getting something from the purse.

[music playing]