Question 7.110

7.110 Evaluate the dress study.

Refer to Exercise 7.108. Participants in the study viewed a videotape of a woman described as a 28-year-old senior manager for a Chicago advertising firm who had been working for this firm for seven years. The same woman was used for each of the two conditions, but she wore different clothing each time. For the business-like condition, the woman wore little makeup, black slacks, a turtleneck, a business jacket, and flat shoes. For the sexy condition, the same woman wore a tight knee-length skirt, a low-cut shirt with a cardigan over it, high-heeled shoes, and more makeup, and her hair was tousled. The subjects who evaluated the videotape were male and female undergraduate students who were predominantly Caucasian, from middle- to upper-class backgrounds, and between the ages of 18 and 24. The content of the videotape was identical in both conditions. The woman described her general background, life in college, and hobbies.

  1. Write a critique of this study, with particular emphasis on its limitations and how you would take these into account when drawing conclusions based on the study.
  2. Propose an alternative study that would address a similar question. Be sure to provide details about how your study would be run.