VAL: So is there a problem with the Andersonville's flyer.

ADAM: I'm working on it, but it's going to be tight. I understand this has happened before?

VAL: It has. Last August, before your time. You've been here, what?

ADAM: Almost a month.

VAL: Really? Feels longer. What I meant that you're fitting in really well.

ADAM: Thanks.

VAL: I'm wondering if you should go meet them some time next week. It would be good for you to see their set up. It'd be a chance for you to impress how important the deadline it to us. What do you think?

ADAM: Great idea. It's easier to talk face to face. I can start looking at flights.

VAL: We can let Marlene take care that. The CEO's address is in 15 minutes.

ADAM: There was one more thing. I got a call from--

MICHAEL: I'm sorry to interrupt you, Val.

VAL: What can I do for you, Michael?

MICHAEL: I wondered if you had a few minutes after today's meeting. I need to get your take on-- hi. I'm Michael Forrister.

VAL: Michael, this is Adam Grant, our newest project director. Adam, this is Michael, our CEO.

ADAM: Very pleased to meet you, sir.

MICHAEL: Michael will do fine. Good to have you with us. So would it be convenient to me to do later on?

VAL: Of course.

MICHAEL: Great. And I'll see you both at the meeting.

VAL: Yes, definitely.

MICHAEL: Adam, it's good to meet you. Welcome.

ADAM: Thanks very much. So did you want to finish up or--

VAL: How about this. See if you can talk to Marlene sometime today, and we'll talk more tomorrow. OK?

ADAM: Sure. See you later.