11.4.3 self-QUIZ: Friendship Distance-Durability

Friendship Distance-Durability

This quiz helps you determine whether a friendship is durable enough to survive the challenge of geographic distance. Place a check mark next to each statement below with which you agree. Then total your check marks and use the scoring key at the bottom to determine your friendship distance-durability.

My friend and I share a great deal of personal history together.

I feel a strong sense of warmth and fondness toward my friend.

I have great respect for my friend as a person.

I don’t expect my friend to be the exact same person in the future as he or she is now.

Having this person as my friend makes me happy.

Even if we’ve been out of touch for a while, my friend and I always seem to be able to pick up where we left off when we communicate again.

I welcome future changes in my friend’s beliefs, values, and attitudes—even if they’re different than mine—as long as these changes bring him or her happiness.

My friend is the kind of person I would like to be.

My friend and I enjoy sharing numerous stories from our past that remind us of how close we’ve been.

I anticipate that as my friend ages, he or she will develop new and varied interests.