Appendix 4

Suggested Readings


Chapter 1

Day, J. W., Jr., et al. 2009. Ecology in times of scarcity. BioScience 59: 321–331.

Dubilier, N., C. Bergin, and C. Lott. 2008. Symbiotic diversity in marine animals: The art of harnessing chemosynthesis. Nature Reviews 6: 725–740.

Johnson, C. K., et al. 2009. Prey choice and habitat use drive sea otter pathogen exposure in a resource-limited coastal system. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106: 2242–2247.

Marquis, R. J., and C. J. Whelan. Insectivorous birds increase growth of white oak through consumption of leaf-chewing insects. Ecology 75: 2007–2014.

Wilson, E. O. 1992. The Diversity of Life. W. W. Norton, New York.

Chapter 2

Cheng, C. H. C., and H. W. Detrich. 2007. Molecular physiology of Antarctic notothenioid fishes. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B. 362: 2215–2232.

Hughes, T. P., et al. 2003. Climate change, human impacts, and the resilience of coral reefs. Science 301: 929–933.

Takei, Y. 2008. Exploring novel hormones essential for seawater adaptation in teleost fish. General and Comparative Endocrinology 157: 3–13.

Watanabe, M. E. 2005. Generating heat: New twists in the evolution of endothermy. BioScience 55: 470–475.

Chapter 3

Munns, R. 2002. Comparative physiology of salt and water stress. Plant, Cell & Environment 25: 239–250.

Osborne, C. P., and D. J. Beerling. 2006. Nature’s green revolution: The remarkable evolutionary rise of C4 plants. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 361: 173–194.

Watanabe, M. E. 2005. Generating heat: New twists in the evolution of endothermy. BioScience 55: 470–475.

Chapter 4

Miner, B. G., et al. 2005. Ecological consequences of phenotypic plasticity. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 20: 685–692.

Pfennig, D. W., et al. 2010. Phenotypic plasticity’s impacts on diversification and speciation. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 25: 459–467.

Chapter 5

Ducklow, H., et al. 2008. Ecological responses to climate change on the Antarctic Peninsula. American Scientist 96: 302–310.

Suplee, C. 1999. El Niño, La Niña. National Geographic 195 (3): 73–95.

Chapter 6

Ellis, E. C., and N. Ramankutty. 2008. Putting people in the map: Anthropogenic biomes of the world. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 6: 439–447.

Wolanski, E., et al. 2003. Mud, marine snow, and coral reefs. American Scientist 91: 44.

Chapter 7

Losos, J. B. 2007. Detective work in the West Indies: Integrating historical and experimental approaches to study island lizard evolution. BioScience 57: 585–597.

Moczek, A. P. 2011. The origins of novelty. Nature 473: 34–35.

Prud’homme, B., et al. 2011. Body plan innovation in treehoppers through the evolution of an extra wing-like appendage. Nature 473: 83–86.

Chapter 8

Janzen, D. H. 1976. Why bamboos wait so long to flower. Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics 7: 347–391.

Karban, R., C. A. Black, and S. A. Weinbaum. 2000. How 17-year cicadas keep track of time. Ecology Letters 3: 253–256.

Reznick, D. N., H. Bryga, and J. A. Endler. 1990. Experimentally induced life-history evolution in a natural population. Nature 346: 357–359.

Ricklefs, R. E., and M. Wikelski. 2002. The physiology–life history nexus. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 17(10): 462–468.

Stearns, S. C. 1992. The Evolution of Life Histories. Oxford University Press, Oxford.

Chapter 9

Busch, J. W., M. Neiman, and J. M. Koslow. 2004. Evidence for maintenance of sex by pathogens in plants. Evolution 58: 2584–2590.

Chapman, T. 2006. Evolutionary conflicts of interest between males and females. Current Biology 16: R744–R754.

Lively, C. M. 1996. Host–parasite coevolution and sex. BioScience 46: 107–114.

Munday, P. L., P. M. Buston, and R. R. Warner. 2006. Diversity and flexibility of sex-change strategies in animals. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 21: 89–95.

Reynolds, J. D. 1996. Animal breeding systems. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 11: 68–72.

Chapter 10

Clutton-Brock, T. H., et al. 1999. Selfish sentinels in cooperative mammals. Science 284: 1640–1644.

Foster, K. R., T. Wenseleers, and F. L. W. Ratnieks. 2006. Kin selection is the key to altruism. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 21: 57–60.

Griffin, A. S., and S. A. West. 2003. Kin discrimination and the benefit of helping in cooperatively breeding vertebrates. Science 302: 634–636.

Sherman, P. W., J. U. M. Jarvis, and S. H. Braude. 1992. Naked mole-rats. Scientific American 267: 72–78.

West, S. A., A. S. Griffin, and A. Gardner. 2007. Evolutionary explanations for cooperation. Current Biology 17: R661–R672.


Chapter 11

Brown, J. H., et al. 2004. Toward a metabolic theory of ecology. Ecology 85: 1771–1789.

Marquet, P. A., S. A. Naverrete, and J. C. Castilla. 1995. Body size, population density, and the Energetic Equivalency Rule. Journal of Animal Ecology 64: 325–332.

Neal, D. 2004. Introduction to Population Biology. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

Pearson, R. G., and T. P. Dawson. 2003. Predicting the impacts of climate change on the distribution of species: Are bioclimatic envelope models useful? Global Ecology and Biogeography 12: 361–371.

Pulliam, H. R. 2000. On the relationship between niche and distribution. Ecology Letters 3: 349–361.

Chapter 12

Kramer, A. M., et al. 2009. The evidence for Allee effects. Population Ecology 51: 341–354.

Murdoch, W. W. 1994. Population regulation in theory and practice. Ecology 75: 271–287.

Turchin, P. 1995. Population regulation: Old arguments and new synthesis. In N. Cappuccino and P. W. Price (eds.), Population Dynamics: New Approaches and Synthesis, pp. 19–40. Academic Press, New York.

Wolff, J. O. 1997. Population regulation in mammals. Journal of Animal Ecology 66: 1–13.

Chapter 13

Beckerman, A., et al. 2002. Population dynamic consequences of delayed life-history effects. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 17: 263–269.

Ehrlich, P. R., and I. Hanski (eds.). 2004. On the Wings of Checkerspots: A Model System for Population Biology. Oxford University Press, Oxford.

Hanski, I., and M. E. Gilpin (eds.). 1997. Metapopulation Biology: Ecology, Genetics, and Evolution. Academic Press, San Diego.

Honnay, O., et al. 2005. Forest fragmentation effects on patch occupancy and population viability of herbaceous plant species. New Phytologist 166: 723–736.

Lundberg, P., et al. 2000. Population variability in space and time. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 15: 460–464.

Chapter 14

Hanski, I., et al. 2001. Small rodent dynamics and predation. Ecology 82: 1505–1520.

Korpimäki, E., et al. 2004. The puzzles of population cycles and outbreaks of small mammals solved? BioScience 54: 1071–1079.

Myers, J. H. 1993. Population outbreaks in forest lepidoptera. American Scientist 81: 240–281.

Relyea, R. A. 2003. How prey respond to combined predators: A review and an empirical test. Ecology 84: 1827–1839.

Van Donk, E., et al. 2011. Induced defenses in marine and freshwater phytoplankton. Hydrobiologia 668: 3–19.

Chapter 15

Brown, J. K. M., and A. Tellier. 2011. Plant-parasite coevolution: Bridging the gap between genetics and ecology. Annual Review of Phytopathology 49: 345–367.

Hawley, D. M., and S. M. Altizer. 2011. Disease ecology meets ecological immunology: Understanding the links between organismal immunity and infection dynamics in natural populations. Functional Ecology 25: 48–60.

Lefevre, T., et al. 2009. The ecological significance of manipulative parasites. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 24: 41–48.

Chapter 16

Connell, J. H. 1961. The influence of interspecific competition and other factors on the distribution of the barnacle Chthamalus stellatus. Ecology 42: 710–723.

Grace, J. B., and D. Tilman. 2003. Perspectives on Plant Competition. Academic Press, San Diego.

Hardin, G. 1960. The competitive exclusion principle. Science 131: 1292–1297.

Schoener, T. W. 1983. Field experiments on interspecific competition. American Naturalist 122: 240–285.

Tilman, D. 1982. Resource Competition and Community Structure. Princeton University Press, Princeton.

Chapter 17

Bonfante, P., and I.-A. Anca. 2009. Plants, mycorrhizal fungi, and bacteria: A network of interactions. Annual Review of Microbiology 63: 363–383.

Bronstein, J. L. 2009. The evolution of facilitation and mutualism. Journal of Ecology 97: 1160–1170.

Egger, K. N., and D. S. Hibbett. 2004. The evolutionary implications of exploitation in mycorrhizas. Canadian Journal of Botany 82: 1110–1121.

Fenster, C. B., et al. 2004. Pollination syndromes and floral specialization. Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 35: 375–403.

Stachowicz, J. J. 2001. Mutualism, facilitation, and the structure of ecological communities. BioScience 51: 235–246.

Chapter 18

Halpern, B. S., et al. 2005. Predator effects on herbivore and plant stability. Ecology Letters 8: 189–194.

Lavergne, S., et al. 2010. Biodiversity and climate change: Integrating evolutionary and ecological responses of species and communities. Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics 41: 321–350.

Pace, M. L., et al. 1999. Trophic cascades revealed in diverse systems. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 15: 483–488.

Shurin, J. B., et al. 2002. A cross-ecosystem comparison of the strength of trophic cascades. Ecology Letters 5: 785–791.

Srivastava, D., et al. 2009. Diversity has stronger top-down than bottom-up effects on decomposition. Ecology 90: 1073–1083.

Chapter 19

Connell, J. H., and R. O. Slatyer. 1977. Mechanisms of succession in natural communities and their role in community stability and organization. American Naturalist 111: 1119–1144.

Ireland, A.W., et al. 2012. Drought as a trigger for rapid state shifts in kettle ecosystems: Implications for ecosystem responses to climate change. Wetlands (published online July 18, 2012).


Walker, L. R., et al. 2010. The use of chronosequences in studies of ecological succession and soil development. Journal of Ecology 98: 725–736.

Whittaker, R. J., M. B. Bush, and K. Richards. 1989. Plant recolonization and vegetation succession on the Krakatau Islands, Indonesia. Ecological Monographs 59: 59–123.

Zobel, D. B., and J. A. Antos. 1997. A decade of recovery of understory vegetation buried by volcanic tephra from Mount St. Helens. Ecological Monographs 67: 317–344.

Chapter 20

Elser, J. J., et al. 2007. Global analysis of nitrogen and phosphorus limitation of primary producers in freshwater, marine and terrestrial ecosystems. Ecology Letters 10: 1135–1142.

Hessen, D. O., et al. 2004. Carbon sequestration in ecosystems: The role of stoichiometry. Ecology 85: 1179–1192.

Schade, J. D., et al. 2005. A conceptual framework for ecosystem stoichiometry: Balancing resource supply and demand. Oikos 109: 40–51.

Schuur, E. A. G. 2003. Productivity and global climate revisited: The sensitivity of tropical forest growth to precipitation. Ecology 84: 1165–1170.

Chapter 21

Arrigo, K. R. 2005. Marine microorganisms and global nutrient cycles. Nature 437: 349–355.

Hättenschwiler, S., et al. 2005. Biodiversity and litter decomposition in terrestrial ecosystems. Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics 36: 191–218.

Kintisch, E. 2007. Should oceanographers pump iron? Science 318: 1368–1370.

Morgan, J. A., et al. 2004. CO2 enhances productivity, alters species composition, and reduces digestibility of shortgrass steppe vegetation. Ecological Applications 14: 208–219.

Vitousek, P. M., et al. 1997. Human alteration of the global nitrogen cycle: Causes and consequences. Issues in Ecology 1: 1–17.

Chapter 22

Fahrig, L. 2003. Effects of habitat fragmentation on biodiversity. Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics 34: 487–515.

MacArthur, R. H. 1972. Geographical Ecology: Patterns in the Distribution of Species. Harper & Row, New York.

Magurran, A. E. 2004. Measuring Biological Diversity. Blackwell Publishing, Oxford.

Mittelbach, G. G., et al. 2007. Evolution and the latitudinal diversity gradient: Speciation, extinction and biogeography. Ecology Letters 10: 315–331.

Turner, M. G. 2005. Landscape ecology: What is the state of the science? Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics 36: 319–344.

Chapter 23

Cardillo, M., et al. 2005. Multiple causes of high extinction risk in large mammal species. Science 309: 1239–1241.

Firestone, R. B., et al. 2007. Evidence for an extraterrestrial impact 12,900 years ago that contributed to the megafaunal extinctions and the Younger Dryas cooling. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 104: 16016–16021.

Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity (2010). Global Biodiversity Outlook 3. Montreal, 94 pages.

Worm, B., et al. 2006. Impacts of biodiversity loss on ocean ecosystem services. Science 314: 787–790.

Year of Planet Earth. 2008. Feature on global climate change. Nature 451: 279–300.
