Chapter 123. Reflections on The Westward Movement, Chapter 12

Reflections on The Westward Movement, Chapter 12

Use your critical reading skills to answer the following questions about the author’s historical interpretation in the narrative.



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Correct. The answer is d. The author’s main point in this section of the chapter is that Americans who were hungry for land and empowered by the ideology of manifest destiny began to push across the Mississippi River and into the West in the 1840s, challenging the region’s existing inhabitants, appropriating their land, and then lobbying the federal government to acquire it.
Incorrect. The answer is d. The author’s main point in this section of the chapter is that Americans who were hungry for land and empowered by the ideology of manifest destiny began to push across the Mississippi River and into the West in the 1840s, challenging the region’s existing inhabitants, appropriating their land, and then lobbying the federal government to acquire it.


Correct. The answer is c. As evidence to support his claim that land hunger drove Americans’ migration in the West, the author describes Stephen Austin’s quick settlement of Texas. Austin’s acquisition of territory from Mexico, which he sold to whites for ten cents an acre, brought thousands of Americans into the region. By the 1830s, many southern slave owners had established a thriving plantation economy in the region with a population of more than 35,000.
Incorrect. The answer is c. As evidence to support his claim that land hunger drove Americans’ migration in the West, the author describes Stephen Austin’s quick settlement of Texas. Austin’s acquisition of territory from Mexico, which he sold to whites for ten cents an acre, brought thousands of Americans into the region. By the 1830s, many southern slave owners had established a thriving plantation economy in the region with a population of more than 35,000.


Correct. The answer is a. The author suggests that the Mormons were an exception to the typical pattern of white migration into the West. While land hunger drove most migrants, the Mormons’ primary reason for migration was their desire for religious freedom and communal security.
Incorrect. The answer is a. The author suggests that the Mormons were an exception to the typical pattern of white migration into the West. While land hunger drove most migrants, the Mormons’ primary reason for migration was their desire for religious freedom and communal security.


Correct. The answer is c. To support his argument that the United States was “convinced of its superiority and bent on territorial acquisition in the West,” the author points to a New York newspaper article’s exhortation to “Let the tide of emigration flow toward California and the American population will soon be sufficiently numerous to play the Texas game.”
Incorrect. The answer is c. To support his argument that the United States was “convinced of its superiority and bent on territorial acquisition in the West,” the author points to a New York newspaper article’s exhortation to “Let the tide of emigration flow toward California and the American population will soon be sufficiently numerous to play the Texas game.”


Correct. The answer is b. As evidence for his assertion that American migrants in the West saw themselves as superior to those groups who already inhabited the region, the author presents John O’Sullivan’s justification for the conquest of the West.
Incorrect. The answer is b. As evidence for his assertion that American migrants in the West saw themselves as superior to those groups who already inhabited the region, the author presents John O’Sullivan’s justification for the conquest of the West.


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There is no right or wrong answer to this question. Your answer has been accepted and your response will be reviewed by your instructor.