Chapter 93. Reflections on Conflict on America’s Borders and Beyond, Chapter 9

Reflections on Conflict on America’s Borders and Beyond, Chapter 9

Use your critical reading skills to answer the following questions about the author’s historical interpretation in the narrative.



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Correct. The answer is b. The author’s main point in this section of the chapter is that, during the 1790s, numerous domestic and foreign conflicts produced disorder along the American frontier, polarized American political leaders, provoked fear of race war among white southerners, and threatened the stability that the United States was so urgently seeking.
Incorrect. The answer is b. The author’s main point in this section of the chapter is that, during the 1790s, numerous domestic and foreign conflicts produced disorder along the American frontier, polarized American political leaders, provoked fear of race war among white southerners, and threatened the stability that the United States was so urgently seeking.


Correct. The answer is a. As an example to support her point that, in the early 1790s, the government sought to “take charge of Indian affairs while avoiding the costs of warfare,” the author describes Henry Knox’s negotiation of the 1790 Treaty of New York. That treaty guaranteed Creek tribal lands with the promise of boundary protection by federal troops, and assured annual payments in money and trade goods including “domestic animals and implements of husbandry.”
Incorrect. The answer is a. As an example to support her point that, in the early 1790s, the government sought to “take charge of Indian affairs while avoiding the costs of warfare,” the author describes Henry Knox’s negotiation of the 1790 Treaty of New York. That treaty guaranteed Creek tribal lands with the promise of boundary protection by federal troops, and assured annual payments in money and trade goods including “domestic animals and implements of husbandry.”


Correct. The answer is b. The author accounts for the federal government’s decision to discard efforts to maintain peace with Indians and pursue warfare with them by pointing to “the demographic imperative of explosive white population growth and westward-moving, land-seeking settlers, together with the economic imperative of land speculation,” which made “confrontation with the native population…nearly inevitable.” Unable to resist white settlers’ and land speculators’ demands for western territory, the federal government undertook to subdue the tribes that stood in their way.
Incorrect. The answer is b. The author accounts for the federal government’s decision to discard efforts to maintain peace with Indians and pursue warfare with them by pointing to “the demographic imperative of explosive white population growth and westward-moving, land-seeking settlers, together with the economic imperative of land speculation,” which made “confrontation with the native population…nearly inevitable.” Unable to resist white settlers’ and land speculators’ demands for western territory, the federal government undertook to subdue the tribes that stood in their way.


Correct. The answer is d. As an example to support her argument that foreign conflicts contributed to the polarization of American political leaders in the 1790s, the author points to John Jay’s negotiation of the Jay Treaty, which was supposed to negotiate commercial relations in the British West Indies and secure compensation for American ships seized by the British during their war with France. Many American political leaders held strongly anti-British attitudes during Britain’s war with the newly republican France. The Jay Treaty favored the British so strongly that American political leaders struggled over it for a year, demonstrating the extent to which foreign conflicts had caused domestic political divisions.
Incorrect. The answer is d. As an example to support her argument that foreign conflicts contributed to the polarization of American political leaders in the 1790s, the author points to John Jay’s negotiation of the Jay Treaty, which was supposed to negotiate commercial relations in the British West Indies and secure compensation for American ships seized by the British during their war with France. Many American political leaders held strongly anti-British attitudes during Britain’s war with the newly republican France. The Jay Treaty favored the British so strongly that American political leaders struggled over it for a year, demonstrating the extent to which foreign conflicts had caused domestic political divisions.


Correct. The answer is b. The author argues that the Haitian Revolution’s origin as a slave rebellion sparked “naked fear of race war in white southerners,” who feared that violent black insurrection might spread to the United States. Jefferson spoke for other slave owners when he suggested “if something is not done…the revolutionary storm…will be upon us,” revealing that this group felt highly vulnerable to political and social upheaval stemming from the Haitian conflict.
Incorrect. The answer is b. The author argues that the Haitian Revolution’s origin as a slave rebellion sparked “naked fear of race war in white southerners,” who feared that violent black insurrection might spread to the United States. Jefferson spoke for other slave owners when he suggested “if something is not done…the revolutionary storm…will be upon us,” revealing that this group felt highly vulnerable to political and social upheaval stemming from the Haitian conflict.


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There is no right or wrong answer to this question. Your answer has been accepted and your response will be reviewed by your instructor.