Student Definition Paragraph: Corin Costas, “What Community Involvement Means to Me”

Corin Costas

What Community Involvement Means to Me

While at Bunker Hill Community College (BHCC), Corin Costas helped start a business club on campus. Later, he took on the leadership of SHOCWAVES (Students Helping Our Community with Activities), where Costas initiated several projects, including Light One Little Candle, which raised money for the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute to buy books for children with cancer. After graduating from BHCC, Costas transferred to the University of Massachusetts Boston with a $14,000 scholarship.

In the following paragraph, Costas defines SHOCWAVES and what it does.

SHOCWAVES is a student organization at Bunker Hill Community College. SHOCWAVES stands for Students Helping Our Community with Activities, and its mission is to get students involved with the community — to become part of it by actively working in it in positive ways. Each year, SHOCWAVES is assigned a budget by the Student Activities Office, and it spends that budget in activities that help the community in a variety of ways. Some of the money is spent, for example, in fund-raising events for community causes. We have money to plan and launch a fund-raiser, which raises far more than we spend. In the process, other students and members of the community also become involved in the helping effort. We get to know lots of people, and we usually have a lot of fun — all while helping others. Recently, we have worked as part of the Charles River Cleanup, the Walk for Hunger, collecting toys for sick and needy children, and Light One Little Candle. While SHOCWAVES’s mission is to help the community, it also benefits its members. Working in the community, I have learned so many valuable skills, and I always have something I care about to write about for my classes. I have learned about budgeting, advertising, organizing, and managing. I have also developed my creativity by coming up with new ways to do things. I have networked with many people, including people who are important in the business world. SHOCWAVES has greatly improved my life, and my chances for future success.

  1. Question

  2. Question

    List the examples of what SHOCWAVES does for the community.
  3. Question

  4. Question

    Does this paragraph follow the Four Basics of Good Definition (see “Understand What Definition Is”)? Why or why not?