CHAPTER 6 Test Your Knowledge

Driving Question 1

Why do humans weigh more now than in the past?

By answering the questions below and studying Infographics 6.1, 6.2, and 6.3, you should be able to generate an answer for the broader Driving Question above.


A 5'6? female weighs 167 pounds. Use Infographic 6.2 to determine her BMI. Would she be considered underweight, normal weight, overweight, or obese?

If a person wants to lose weight, which of the following are viable strategies?
a. substituting plain water for regular soda

b. eating the same number of Calories, but eating them all as fruit and veggies instead of burgers and fries

c. adding more fruits and veggies on top of the current diet

d. exercising more

e. a and d


If you frequently crave French fries, how could you modify your lifestyle to eat fries without gaining weight? Explain your answer.

Why do you think that longer meal times translate into fewer Calories consumed?

If the government were to issue tax incentives to reduce obesity in the United States, which of the following do you think would be most effective? Explain your choice.
a. taxing foods high in fat

b. giving tax breaks to people who join gyms or health clubs

c. giving rebates for purchasing fresh fruits and vegetables

d. paying enhanced salaries for teachers in elementary and middle schools to provide education about diet and nutrition

If the French eat meals with a higher fat content, why don’t the French weigh more on average than Americans?


Look at the illustration on page 130 showing the increase in size and calorie content for different foods in the past several decades.
Calculate the % increase in Calorie content of a typical serving of the foods shown in the past 20 years. Which food has had the greatest increase in Calories in the past 20 years? Which has had the smallest increase in the past 20 years?

Driving Question 2

How does the body use the energy in food?

By answering the questions below and studying Infographics 6.4 and 6.5 and Table 6.1, you should be able to generate an answer for the broader Driving Question above.


Which type of organic molecule stores the most energy per gram?
a. proteins

b. starch

c. nucleic acid

d. fats (triglycerides)

e. glycogen

A moderately active 21-year-old female has a choice of eating a 2,500-Calorie meal that is primarily protein or a 2,500-Calorie meal that is primarily sugar. What would be the result, in terms of energy, of choosing one over the other?
a. Nothing; she would burn all these Calories, given her age, gender, and activity level.

b. She would store the excess Calories as protein, regardless which meal she ate.

c. She would store the excess Calories as protein if she ate the protein meal, and as glycogen if she ate the sugar meal.

d. In either case, once her glycogen stores are replenished, she will store the excess Calories as fat.

e. Regardless of the number of Calories, she will get more energy from the sugar meal.


If you exercise for an extended period of time, you will use energy first from________, then from _______.
a. fats; glycogen

b. proteins; fats

c. glycogen; proteins

d. fats; proteins

e. glycogen; fats


Consider a well-trained 130-pound female marathon runner. She has just loaded up on a carbohydrate meal and has the maximum amount of stored glycogen (6.8 g of glycogen per pound of body weight).
a. How many grams of glycogen is she storing?

b. How many Calories does she have stored as glycogen?

c. If this same number of Calories were stored as fat, how much would it weigh?

d. Suppose she decides to go for a run at a pace of 9 miles per hour (she will be running 6.5-minute miles). Given her weight, she will burn 885 Calories per hour at this pace. How long will it take her to deplete her glycogen stores? How many miles can she run before her glycogen supplies run out? Will she be able to complete a 26.2-mile marathon?

e. Once her glycogen supplies run out, what has to happen if she wants to keep running?

Driving Question 3

How does aerobic respiration extract useful energy from food?

By answering the questions below and studying Infographics 6.6, 6.7, 6.8, and 6.10, you should be able to generate an answer for the broader Driving Question above.


Which process is not correctly matched with its cellular location?
a. glycolysis—cytoplasm

b. citric acid cycle—mitochondria

c. glycolysis—mitochondria

d. electron transport—mitochondria

e. none of the above; they are all correctly matched

In the presence of oxygen we use ________ to fuel ATP production. What process do plants use to fuel ATP production from food?
a. aerobic respiration; photosynthesis

b. aerobic respiration; aerobic respiration

c. fermentation; aerobic respiration

d. fermentation; photosynthesis

e. glycolysis; photosynthesis

Given 1 g of each of the following, which would yield the greatest amount of ATP by aerobic respiration?
a. fat

b. protein

c. carbohydrate

d. nucleic acid

e. alcohol

During aerobic respiration, what molecule has (and carries) electrons stripped from food?
a. NAD+


c. O2

d. H2O

e. pyruvate

During aerobic respiration, how does NADH give up electrons to regenerate NAD+?
a. by giving electrons to O2

b. by giving electrons to pyruvate

c. by giving electrons to glucose

d. by giving electrons to the electron transport chain

e. by giving electrons to another NAD+


Draw a carbon atom that is part of a CO2 molecule such as you just exhaled. Using a written description or a diagram, trace what happens to that carbon atom as it is absorbed by the leaf of a spinach plant and then what happens to the carbon atom when you eat that leaf in a salad.

If you ingest carbon in the form of sugar, how is that carbon released from your body?
a. as sugar

b. as fat

c. as CO2

d. as protein

e. in urine

Driving Question 4

When does fermentation occur, and why can’t it sustain human life?

By answering the questions below and studying Infographic 6.9, you should be able to generate an answer for the broader Driving Question above.



Compared to aerobic respiration, fermentation produces ________ ATP.
a. much more

b. the same amount of

c. a little less

d. much less

e. no

What process is most directly prevented in the absence of adequate oxygen?
a. citric acid cycle

b. glycolysis

c. electron transport chain

d. a, b, and c

e. glycolysis and the citric acid cycle

During fermentation, how does NADH give up electrons to regenerate NAD+?
a. by giving electrons to O2

b. by giving electrons to pyruvate

c. by giving electrons to glucose

d. by giving electrons to the electron transport chain

e. by giving electrons to another NAD+

Where in the cell does fermentation take place?
a. cytoplasm

b. mitochondria

c. nucleus

d. cytoplasm and mitochondria

e. Fermentation doesn’t occur in cells, it occurs in circulating blood.


Explain how the presence or absence of oxygen affects ATP production. (The terms aerobic respiration and fermentation should be in your answer.)

Consider fermentation.
a. How much ATP is generated during fermentation?

b. How does this compare to aerobic respiration?

c. In humans, why can’t fermentation sustain life? Hint: Think of two reasons—one is related to the product of fermentation and what happens if it accumulates.


Losing 1 pound of weight requires a deficit of 3,500 Calories. Design three strategies for someone weighing 150 pounds to lose 1 pound in two weeks. The first should rely on (a healthy) diet alone. The second should rely on exercise alone. The third should be a combination of diet and exercise. Which of the three do you think would be easiest to follow?