11.7 Analyzing The Science

The data in the following table comes from the most recent assessments of global forest resources conducted by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. This table reports on the global, regional, and subregional trends in forest areas designated primarily for the protection of soil and water.


Question 11.12


Question 11.13

Region/subregion Information availability Area of forest designated for protection of soil and water (1000 ha)
  # of countries % of total forest area 1990 2000 2010
Eastern and Southern Africa 21 80.9 14033 13311 12611
Northern Africa 7 99.1 4068 3855 3851
Western and Central Africa 22 52.5 2639 3281 3079
Total Africa 50 69.2 20 709 20 447 19 540
East Asia 4 90.2 24 061 38 514 65 719
South and Southeast Asia 17 100.0 55 811 57 932 56 501
Western and Central Asia 23 99.7 12 222 13 059 13 669
Total Asia 44 95.8 92 094 109 505 135 889
Total Europe 45 99.7 76 932 90 788 92 995
Caribbean 11 53.1 869 1106 1428
Central America 3 36.9 124 114 90
North America 5 100.0 0 0 0
Total North and Central America 19 97.8 994 1220 1517
Total Oceania 18 21.6 1048 1078 888
Total South America 10 85.1 48 656 48 661 48 549
World 186 86.9 240 433 271 699 299 378


Question 11.14



Hint: To answer some of the following questions it might help to access the actual report, at www.fao.org/forestry/fra/en (see Chapter 6 of the report—Protective Functions of Forest Resources).

Question 11.15


Question 11.16


Question 11.17
