14.10 Making Connections


Background: According to SeaChoice, Alaskan wild salmon are an ocean-friendly choice, but other salmon fisheries raise concerns. The management of salmon fisheries is challenging, as salmon require both freshwater and ocean habitats.

One solution is to switch to salmon aquaculture. But while salmon raised in tank systems are environmentally friendly operations, most salmon are farmed in open net pens and should be avoided for their environmental impact. Wastes that pollute water, transmission of disease to wild salmon stocks, and interference with life cycles of wild fish from farmed fish (which are selectively bred or non-native species of salmon) that escape are the major concerns.

Case: To ensure that the fate that befell the cod fisheries is not repeated for salmon, efforts are being made to develop a sustainable salmon aquaculture. You have been assigned the task of developing a policy for the future of salmon farming based on an evaluation of the following options:

  1. The AquAdvantage salmon: a genetically modified salmon that reaches market-size in 18 months—half the time of a wild salmon.
  2. Integrated multi-trophic aquaculture (IMTA) systems: these blend the farming of fish with the culture of seaweed and shellfish that process the waste the fish generate.
  3. Recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS): above ground, temperature-controlled environments that raise single species of fish without any interaction with the wild.
  4. The Arctic char: a salmon-like fish with a smaller footprint.

Research these four options and write a report recommending a course of action to invest in. In your report, include the following:

  1. An analysis of the pros and cons of each proposal including:
    • A discussion of the consequences of each choice from an economic, ecological, food security, and human health perspective.
    • A reflection on the values underlying each proposal.
  2. The best option for the future of salmon aquaculture. Who should be involved in this decision? Provide justifications for your proposal.
  3. A set of guiding principles that can be applied to sustainably managing any fish species as a food source, based on what you now know about fishery management and aquaculture, and their challenges. Discuss the principles you develop and explain why you consider them key for the future of sustainable seafood.