Positive ReinforcementAddition of a pleasant stimulus following a target behaviorIncrease desired behaviorStudents who complete an online course 15 days before the end of semester receive 10 points of extra credit.
Negative ReinforcementRemoval of an unpleasant stimulus following a target behaviorIncrease desired behaviorStudents who have perfect attendance for the semester do not have to take the final exam.
Positive PunishmentAddition of something unpleasant following an unwanted behaviorDecrease undesired behaviorStudents who are late to class more than two times have to write an extra paper.
Negative PunishmentRemoval of something pleasant following an unwanted behaviorDecrease undesired behaviorStudents late to class on exam day are not allowed to use their notes when taking the exam.
The positive and negative forms of reinforcement and punishment are easy to confuse. Above are some concrete definitions, goals, and examples to help you sort them out.