Chapter 4. Chapter 5: Energy Flow and Photosynthesis

4.1 Introduction

Interactive Study Guide
Polaris Trail

Welcome to the Interactive Study Guide for Chapter 5: Energy Flow and Photosynthesis! This Study Guide will help you master your understanding of the chapter's Driving Questions, using interactive Infographics and activities, as well as targeted assessment questions. Click "Next" to get started, or select a Driving Question from the drop-down menu to the right.

The Future of Fuel:

Scientists hope to make algae into the next global energy source.


  • What are the photosynthetic organisms on the planet, and why are they so important?
  • What are the different types of energy and what transformations of energy do organisms carry out?
  • How do plants and algae convert the energy in sunlight into energy-rich organic molecules? (And why can’t humans do this?)
  • How do algal biofuels compare to other fuels in terms of costs, benefits, and sustainability?

4.2 Driving Question 1:

Driving Question 1

What are the photosynthetic organisms on the planet, and why are they so important?

Why should you care?

Do you notice plants? Many people don’t register more than a green background when they are outside. The next time you are outdoors, look for plants and notice their variety; even if you live in a city, there are likely several kinds just growing through the pavement cracks. In every terrestrial ecosystem a great variety of plants make up the largest group of organisms by weight—usually at least 90%. This preponderance of plants exists because they are producers, or autotrophs—organisms that can grow by making organic molecules from inorganic molecules.

Land plants are the youngest group of photosynthetic autotrophs; they were preceded by algae, which is a general term for photosynthetic organisms that are mostly single-celled and mostly aquatic. The first photosynthetic organisms were the prokaryotic bacteria, primarily the cyanobacteria, formerly called the blue-green algae. It is thought that the first eukaryotic algae arose from symbiotic relationships between a heterotrophic eukaryotic organism and a cyanobacterium that became a semiautonomous organelle living inside the eukaryote’s cells. Eventually, this cyanobacterium became what we now call chloroplasts.

The three groups of photosynthetic organisms—modern land plants, eukaryotic algae, and photosynthetic bacteria—are responsible for both the oxygen in our atmosphere and the organic molecules that are the foundation of nearly every food chain. Whether or not you notice them, you could not live without them.

What should you know?

To fully answer this Driving Question, you should be able to:

  1. Compare and contrast the main types of photosynthetic autotrophs.
  2. Explain the general importance of photosynthetic organisms to the biosphere

Infographic Focus

The Infographics most pertinent to the Driving Question are 5.3 and 5.6.

Question Test Your Vocabulary

Choose the correct term for each of the following definitions:

Term Definition
HtW9UnpVAoP1/R5cXoJQc0fPVrARYZV6Se/tItigL6MQwjZsWqPJEEE0eSHThas/mdbT7UYD3DQ= The organelle in plant and algal cells where photosynthesis occurs.
TNYZo7WTvUGzbEHVVti0ckd3A2rdG/WCijJnM2Cp2HoYUUnKkHEqnag+ybTP1xRELnkUb1p4RnM= Organisms, such as humans and other animals, that obtain energy by eating organic molecules produced by other organisms.
wIEHt1Uz9hPIA0Ig5vKuHeDYyHL7m1ARqM/NJiS4Awosk8wEw8Yq7zKEbm4nr1ifrxGpiMNEJ0Q= Organisms, such as plants, algae, and certain bacteria, that capture the energy of sunlight by photosynthesis.
Mzes+oNYYjYhyLHyGrzIiCvmUtaVwqMGsb3P9vndvRdLgNpTUeRa7HGvqW6Uw0E/NBxiFPGml1c= The process by which plants and other autotrophs use the energy of sunlight to make energy-rich molecules using carbon dioxide and water.
Try again.

Compare and contrast the main types of photosynthetic autotrophs.

Question 4.1

These photosynthetic autotrophs all use photosynthesis to harness energy from the sun to make chemical energy in the form of glucose. They use this energy to power cellular functions and build cellular structures, for example. These organisms do not need any other organism as a food source (hence the label autotroph), as they get all of the energy they need from converting sunlight to glucose.

Question 4.2

These autotrophs differ from one another in many aspects. Plants are typically multicellular eukaryotic organisms that live on land. Algae can be either multicellular or single-cellular eukaryotic organisms that live strictly in water. Photosynthetic bacteria are single celled prokaryotic organisms that live in a vast diversity of environments, both in water and on land. Since all bacteria are prokaryotic, this means that they do not have chloroplasts (like plants and algae) as the site of photosynthesis.

Explain the general importance of photosynthetic organisms to the biosphere.

Question 4.3

Carbon dioxide, or CO2, is a greenhouse gas that is considered an environmental pollutant, partially responsible for global warming. By taking carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere to use in photosynthesis, algae remove this pollutant from the environment and lessen its effect on global warming.

Question 4.4


Some potential answers:

  • They remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.
  • A byproduct of photosynthesis is oxygen, which almost every living organism needs to survive.
  • They are a main source of food, or energy, for many organisms.
  • They are the initial food source for all heterotrophs.

Review Questions

Question 4.5

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Question 4.6

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Question 4.7

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4.3 Driving Question 2:

Driving Question 2

What are the different types of energy and what transformations of energy do organisms carry out?

Why should you care?

It is sometimes hard to conceptualize, but energy never goes away. When a car drives up a hill, it converts chemical energy in gasoline to kinetic energy. If it parks at the top of the hill, it has converted kinetic energy to potential energy, since it now has the potential to roll down the other side. Through photosynthesis, algae can take light energy, water, and carbon dioxide and convert them to chemical energy. This energy can be stored in the form of carbohydrates, oils, or proteins. Heterotrophs, such as humans, must obtain chemical energy from the food we eat. All organisms convert carbohydrates, proteins, and fats into high-energy molecules that their cells can use to power essential functions. To humans, an important use of those high-energy molecules is to convert chemical energy to kinetic energy, or heat. The heat can be used to maintain a constant body temperature, but much of it is lost to the surrounding air. Thus, we cannot use the chemical energy in our food without some of it escaping to our surroundings, but the original amount of energy never changes. Understanding that energy is both conserved and transformed is essential to understanding how you can conserve energy resources.

What should you know?

To fully answer this Driving Question, you should be able to:

  1. Differentiate among the types of energy.
  2. Explain in general terms the ways that organisms convert energy from one form to another and the efficiency with which they do it.

Infographic Focus

The Infographics most pertinent to the Driving Question are 5.4 and 5.5.

Question Test Your Vocabulary

Choose the correct term for each of the following definitions:

Term Definition
uMNWG34ZEx+yUH36QxPUUxNv6IoXzjbGp+GmIBSKTc0Nzqf5QebJO/J0u5e1unUQ7JhfSEKj5yBZk7ryorXlBGg3v5HNIk8YjR4kHLBpCGsGxGd34LsW5j5Y03mXzlMkHrUFCTPyIaw= The capacity to do work. Cellular work includes processes such as building complex molecules and moving substances into and out of the cell.
SKgSUSF+sKogtYtpIYOtzuYEO3xWCF9BMsTvBKx4pQggGTFSrnW113Q8bpgmCxBxEkeuaP1MxJ4y3Kab33tH1GpU2ykqe0Z2pjadFs6C6Nn0TiAT2i9YHteBMDzQ8hXmxhxI6iFX8qk= The kinetic energy generated by random movements of molecules or atoms.
qqRHWvVs1389Hgfw5ZjyHOmN9y8l4pKB7u61RtEO7/z7XeTTD83pOmwfHU8QXAoeuUz85NIDhSbR0GX/dQ4T+Jr92jxLtIb7JnadwS1xST0/Lrgkd2gYpUNVy1I2LcBxeqFxmXiWvBI= Potential energy stored in the bonds of biological molecules.
HfrJRhdGNr6/lXIqZF9BQhUwu3q7GO7Gbdien9B6mNGqfRHyVyUq4zrmwteFC9AuagLW3qoWvJQB2w8BHqjt5Dut70dgXPZNS78U33tJ2HfRubngwEqZVYcEP2CiEdenDi6v3ULCM7M= The energy of motion or movement.
1G17DJdcsoVkLQ5P/51fihFIFSamg0/mun6tRnLNQfZ9EIRHLz37RaI62mtQzvujQhZ19neoGTOG9EIFycswfIHszkZwj1WNfBMFSszn8ivRjSYtUrwTXsJdqlo3lfLGuLTI48pIrWo= The principle that energy cannot be created or destroyed but can be transformed from one form to another.
Jqjf/rp0TQxe8EDivu2knS6h+PzNGZtUAH+7sln7z4q37JPdPCX+j6Ka5NO5fCWyc9H3wW8fvX734QKwoZjguckgS3jeZ2x8HkofsdvGWdhIezx6fU/ZOLTila8zO7V2Q28onmz8jcw= Stored energy.
PXZcu6HAHKdX8JiqauG3Spgyax57i3U0VIEULa7sVKLXgLJ/rSKpVkFNwGXHl5vxIgrOGvZGMh4pD0olgooKO1B8sz3PgS9uJSzDiIqKeaCFfNqBgJ53f8CMi6araGG283CxkR5R9to= The energy of the electromagnetic spectrum of radiation that is visible to the human eye.
Try again.

Differentiate among the types of energy.

Question 4.8

To go upstairs and get your jacket, you will use the stored potential energy in the form of chemical energy that you built up from the day’s meals. The energy in the chemical bonds of the food we eat can be broken down and used as the kinetic energy required for you to walk up and down the stairs. Of course, walking up and down stairs is hard work, so some of the energy will be lost to the environment as heat. (Perhaps you got a little hot and winded running up the stairs to get your jacket.)

Explain in general terms the ways that organisms convert energy from one form to another and the efficiency with which they do it.

Question 4.9

It is unlikely that all of the chemical energy (or potential energy) that was stored in the sandwich was converted to kinetic energy of movement. It is likely that some of the energy provided by the sandwich was lost to the environment through heat because of the inefficient nature of the conversion of one type of energy to another.

Question 4.10

The term lost in this context means that the energy was not used in the intended process but instead entered into a different process. For example, during the conversion of gasoline from chemical energy to heat energy, which powers the movement of engine pistons, some of the heat energy escapes out of the engine block and into the surrounding environment. The heat that escapes into the environment cannot power the pistons, so we say that it is lost.

Question 4.11

Since algae are autotrophs, they can use photosynthesis to convert sunlight to chemical energy. Since humans cannot harness the energy directly from the sun, we have to rely on getting our chemical energy (or food) from autotrophs like plants, such as corn and wheat, or from other heterotrophs, such as cows, chickens, and pigs, that also rely on autotrophs as an energy source.

Review Questions

Question 4.12

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Question 4.13

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Question 4.14

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Question 4.15

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4.4 Driving Question 3:

Driving Question 3

How do plants and algae convert the energy in sunlight into energy-rich organic molecules? (And why can’t humans do this?)

Why should you care?

When organisms use light to convert carbon dioxide and water to carbohydrates, they are transferring the sun’s energy into the food chain. You are part of a food chain too, and even if you hate veggies, you rely on photosynthesis to feed you and provide you with oxygen to breathe and the food you eat. This is because we heterotrophic consumers cannot convert inorganic molecules to organic molecules that we can derive energy from. Photosynthesis requires a specific set of cellular machinery that can capture carbon dioxide, harness light energy, and process them with water into carbohydrates. Once you know more about it, you will see that photosynthesis is a minor miracle that happens all around us every day.

What should you know?

To fully answer this Driving Question, you should be able to:

  1. Describe the relationship between energy level and color of light.
  2. Write the general equation of photosynthesis.
  3. Explain how the light (photo) reactions and carbon (synthesis) reactions work together to make photosynthesis happen.

Infographic Focus

The Infographics most pertinent to the Driving Question are 5.7 to 5.9.

Question Test Your Vocabulary

Choose the correct term for each of the following definitions:

Term Definition
1LlV3rbG9fPTyOE18pWEleIK8vGJlEVfBKeSlTwvQvB3sXLpD9bHc5k0KCQ1S9cbANwi7e18/aN7uz7Vyzf7J1nfj0s2TrxHpMBcdIbvpdbqli+VOIK8mFCusuirJoUHWj7r3A== The organelle in plant and algal cells where photosynthesis occurs.
c31S7vJoVaZTBw2MKxp2bsb5tiUQQLFnXxtOGx8iBNrQixWGz84RwtL8/0TDddjrbF0VUg1c7PdBmqVu9wU3cww0pzydZEv3zNVqjBe2sYgcqdoBjnc/iDFNceQsd+SrvYgtvQ== The conversion of inorganic carbon to organic forms (sugars).
kx1w6DQGQK0pJvBEVm6CbpdyLBKvPKgnIxZ0h3wOEcKKyj4ZU0s9znw5TWMTL3oHXd53YKuzhTs1herLBIVuItSWfeQCoHojXOu+a6Rf4sgB8vJA/gMZQ06x+2pJt5ymt/elPw== The molecule that cells use to power energy-requiring functions.
WVySpL+P96b3SduOlRJl46R0j5yakg9sUmoGUhfGlYivvj7cWNNh7/98CGZHd0eqjEyoO6RLBH/kDHVPTI0Fy2lOZngdMHwY7NeuajJm2IT87gqZOPPghlWJEJPhGYK2nsbNMg== The process by which plants and other autotrophs use the energy of sunlight to make energy-rich molecules using carbon dioxide and water.
ZWO4tqSvVTBOzF04dkprEoINrsmeghlz3VjP97ODO8DhRgXlhZyS+1Fspi+vxT8LLrBtQK8pp7FJI54ek/UGUQX4RNLPV2rzQqBHYX3QFSWoSdlBHSckWPsABkxChlalv63s+Q== The pigment present in the green parts of plants.
00AwD/NxI2WJjtxS1tHqiJ4EnEOEWDxyF/L4katzzhDoJlUXGgDBZZHP9OxE4KLuB3oq6m5ObFNmINSFSuM63Wb34Wv9siTKkFt5uAJA9IjvSVohhId6y9W+r40tiBcj/MjNtA== Packets of light energy, each with a specific wavelength and quantity of energy.
Try again.

Describe the relationship between energy level and color of light.

Question 4.16

Order the wavelengths of light in the following list in order of highest energy to lowest energy.

yellow mA/3xuiJ0LwNkDtUVJS8cQ==
green 996WFWgsPlxuibqM2jrVsA==
purple teVQRmeRm40fzbD8fdZ0FA==
red 4zI3Qx5YqPeN6bvAbniFfw==
blue SzSB4UzMTM9mJgwQ+JaIMw==
Try again.

Write the general equation of photosynthesis.

Question 4.17

Sunlight + carbon dioxide + water = glucose + oxygen

Explain how the light (photo) reactions and carbon (synthesis) reactions work together to make photosynthesis happen.

Question 4.18

Next to each component of photosynthesis listed in the table, fill out whether that component is associated with the light reaction or carbon reaction.

Water EpWmAfuYs4PwwHWGWRnS0kqITxp1l0X3YoHOSVbZOT0Ex4Qr
Oxygen EpWmAfuYs4PwwHWGWRnS0kqITxp1l0X3YoHOSVbZOT0Ex4Qr
Glucose TgdDmWF9fqVD8qkkJnqXlhvP1JzFcOW/veWrF9rpsLZ/nGY2
Sunlight EpWmAfuYs4PwwHWGWRnS0kqITxp1l0X3YoHOSVbZOT0Ex4Qr
Carbon Dioxide TgdDmWF9fqVD8qkkJnqXlhvP1JzFcOW/veWrF9rpsLZ/nGY2
Try again.

Question 4.19

Adenosine triphosphate (ATP).

Review Questions

Question 4.20


Question 4.21

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Question 4.22

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Question 4.23

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4.5 Driving Question 4:

Driving Question 4

How do algal biofuels compare to other fuels in terms of costs, benefits, and sustainability?

Why should you care?

Recently, solar panels have become a popular way to produce electricity from the sun, but photosynthetic organisms have been using sunlight to produce energy for billions of years, so we weren't the first to have the idea. Indeed we live on a solar-powered planet. Ancient photosynthesis is the basis for our fuel economy. The energy we get from fossil fuels is derived from the bodies of long-dead photosynthetic organisms: every time you drive a car or take a plane or a bus, you are releasing energy captured on a sunny day millions of years ago. Unfortunately, we are rapidly using up the world’s stores of fossil fuels.

People are concerned about the world's dependence on fossil fuels for energy. It is evident in the popularity of hybrid cars, the number of new businesses providing solar or wind power to homes, and the rest of the recent trends to go green. Why do people care about using oil, natural gas, and coal? Four primary reasons are climate, pollution, scarcity, and security. These fuels are called fossil fuels because they were made millions of years ago from the bodies of plants and other organisms. When they are burned, they release into the atmosphere carbon dioxide that has been trapped underground for just as many years. The planet naturally cycles carbon between living things and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, but burning fossil fuels adds more carbon dioxide to the atmosphere than the global carbon cycle can handle. Using photosynthetic organisms to produce fuel oil is another way to harness the sun for energy that is carbon neutral; no new carbon is added to the atmosphere when it is burned.

By now, you've looked at photosynthesis and energy from several perspectives. One of the best ways to learn an important lesson is to tie several parts together in your mind. Photosynthesis and the potential for solar energy and biofuels to help solve our energy crisis are important things to care about.

What should you know?

To fully answer this Driving Question, you should be able to:

  1. Differentiate between fossil fuels and biofuels and between renewable and nonrenewable energy sources.
  2. Describe the pros and cons of the sources of biofuels.

Infographic Focus

The Infographics most pertinent to the Driving Question are 5.2 and Table 5.1.

Question Test Your Vocabulary

Choose the correct term for each of the following definitions:

Term Definition
8QzArDBVRZVEGABBwSsfIm8CsiEkFX9UVeAthw== Carbon-rich energy sources, such as coal, petroleum, and natural gas, which are formed from the compressed, fossilized remains of once-living organisms.
/SonTRlmVQmToXazplSNZG6VqL78snhCc50bcA== Renewable fuels made from living organisms (plants and algae).
Try again.

Differentiate between fossil fuels and biofuels and between renewable and nonrenewable energy sources.

Question 4.24

Fossil fuels come from carbon-rich energy sources like coal, petroleum, and natural gas that have been formed over many millions of years by compression of fossilized remains of organisms. Biofuels come from living plants and algae.

Question 4.25

Renewable energy sources include wind, water, geothermal energy, sunlight, and biofuels. Nonrenewable energy sources include coal, natural gas, and petroleum.

Question 4.26

Biofuel is a renewable fuel that is made from living organisms, whereas other renewable energy sources, such as sunlight, wind, and water, are not composed of organic tissue.

Question 4.27


Since it takes millions of years to form fossil fuels, the rate at which we are consuming them vastly outpaces the rate at which new fossil fuels are being formed.

Where does your electricity come from? If you live in the United States, you can find out the proportions of energy sources for the electricity you use from the Environmental Protection Agency’s website:

  1. Go to
  2. Click on “How clean is the energy I use?”
  3. Type in your zip code and follow the instructions.

Were you surprised to find out how your electricity is produced? How does your area’s electricity production compare to the national average? How does most of the nation produce electricity?

Describe the pros and cons of the different potential sources of biofuels.

List some pros and cons for the use of the following sources of biofuels:

Question 4.28

Pros: Produces less greenhouse gas than fossil fuels when burned.
Cons: there is a high cost of production for corn grown for fuel. It takes a lot of water, fertilizer, and pesticides to grow the crop and keep it disease free. This puts a strain on other natural resources, like amount and quality of water. There is also not a lot of oil yield per acre in comparison with other sources of biofuels. Some people are also concerned that corn grown for fuel takes up farmland that could have been used to produce food.

Question 4.29

Pros: The water, fertilizer, and pesticide use are relatively low. The oil yield per acre is also tremendously high in comparison with all other fuel sources. Cons: the greenhouse gas emission is high in comparison with that of other biofuels, but it is still lower than the emissions from burning fossil fuels. Since the cultivation of algae for fuel is not yet optimized, a relatively large amount of energy must go into growing and harvesting the algae.

Review Questions

Question 4.30

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Question 4.31

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Question 4.32

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Question 4.33

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