Understanding the Issue of Parenting Style

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With the publication of Amy Chua’s opinion essay “Why Chinese Mothers Are Superior” in the Wall Street Journal and the publicity surrounding the publication of her comic memoir Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother, the controversy over parenting styles reached a fever pitch in 2011. The debate over parenting styles, however, has a long history in developmental psychology. In the early 1970s, for example, developmental psychologist Diana Baumrind identified three general parenting styles: authoritative, authoritarian, and permissive. The term helicopter parenting, as Betsy Samson points out, was popularized by Foster Cline and Jim Fay’s 1990 book Parenting with Love and Logic. A Time magazine cover story in 2009 by Nancy Gibbs, “The Growing Backlash against Overparenting,” describes what she calls “a new revolution . . . rolling back the almost comical overprotectiveness and overinvestment of moms and dads.”