Starting Points: Proposing a Solution

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A Focused, Well-Presented Problem

How do I come up with an problem to write about?

  • Assess the genre’s basic features: A focused, well-defined problem. (pp. 299–300)
  • Consider possible topics. (pp. 316, 322, 328)
  • Choose a problem for which you can propose a solution. (p. 332)
  • Test Your Choice (pp. 332–33)

How can I best define the problem for my readers?

  • A Focused, Well-Defined Problem: Establishing the Problem (p. 314)
  • A Focused, Well-Defined Problem: Citing Research Studies (p. 320)
  • A Focused, Well-Defined Problem: Using Statistics (pp. 326–27)
  • Frame the problem for your readers. (pp. 333–34)
  • Use statistics to establish the problem’s existence and seriousness. (pp. 335–36)
  • Assess how the problem has been framed, and reframe it for your readers. (pp. 336–37)
  • A Troubleshooting Guide: A Focused, Well-Defined Problem. (p. 344)
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A Well-Argued Solution

How do I come up with a plausible solution?

  • Assess the genre’s basic features: A well-argued solution. (pp. 301–2)
  • A Well-Argued Solution: Proving It Works (pp. 314–15)
  • A Well-Argued Solution: Giving Guidelines for Implementation (p. 327)
  • Develop a possible solution. (pp. 337–38)
  • Research your proposal. (pp. 338–39)

How do I construct an argument supporting my solution?

  • Assess the genre’s basic features: A well-argued solution. (pp. 301–2)
  • A Well-Argued Solution: Using Comparison-Contrast and Classification (p. 321)
  • Explain your solution. (p. 338)
  • Research your proposal. (pp. 338–39)
  • A Troubleshooting Guide: A Well-Argued Solution (p. 344)
An Effective Response to Objections and Alternative Solutions

How do I respond to possible objections to my solution?

  • Assess the genre’s basic features: An effective response to objections and alternative solutions. (pp. 302–3)
  • An Effective Response to Objections and Alternative Solutions: Handling Objections (p. 321)
  • Develop a response to objections or alternative solutions. (pp. 339–40)

How do I respond to possible alternative solutions?

  • Assess the genre’s basic features: An effective response to objections and alternative solutions. (pp. 302–3)
  • An Effective Response to Objections and Alternative Solutions: Rejecting the Standard Solution (p. 315)
  • An Effective Response to Objections and Alternative Solutions: Anticipating Alternatives (pp. 327–28)
  • Develop a response to objections or alternative solutions. (pp. 339–40).
A Clear, Logical Organization

How can I help my readers follow my argument?

  • Assess the genre’s basic features: A clear, logical organization. (pp. 303–4)
  • A Clear, Logical Organization: Using Topic Sentences (pp. 315–16)
  • A Clear, Logical Organization: Using Graphs (p. 322)
  • A Clear, Logical Organization: Using Headings (p. 328)
  • Create an outline that will organize your proposal effectively for your readers. (pp. 340–41)
  • A Troubleshooting Guide: A Clear, Logical Organization (p. 344)