Index N


as description method, 574–75

dominant impression, creating, 583

in remembered event essays, 20–21, 40, 41–42

narrating, 561–73

action, creating, 20, 62, 566–67

calendar and clock time, 62, 561–63

defined, 561

dialogue, 567–68

for field research observations, 683

process narratives, 94, 568–72

in remembered event essays, 20

sentence strategies, 572–73

temporal transitions, 563–64

verb tense, 564–66

narrative organizational plan, profiles, 62, 79, 96

National Geographic Online, “Mapping Memory,” 149, image

National Kidney Foundation, “Financial Incentives for Organ Donation,” 236–37

National Newspaper Index, 678

negative definitions, 589

newsgroup posting

APA style documentation, 747

MLA style documentation, 729

newspaper articles

APA style documentation, 745

MLA style documentation, 722

periodicals database search, 677–79


periodical databases for, 678

titles, italics for, H-78

NewzCrawler, 681

“NFL’s Head Cases, The” (Jackson), 227–28

Niechayev, Michael, “It’s Time to Ban Head-First Tackles and Blocks” image

“$9 Lunch, The” (Ad Council), 329, image

noncoordinate adjectives. See cumulative adjectives, commas unnecessary

nonpersonal pronouns, relative, H-14–16, H-100

nonrestrictive clauses

adjective (relative) clauses as, H-108

pronoun agreement, H-14

and relative pronouns, H-14

nonrestrictive word groups

commas to set off, H-51–52

trailing, commas before, H-53

nonsexist language. See gender-free forms


for interviews, 94, 110–12, 685

for observations, 94, 683

on research sources, 673

writing-up notes, 95, 112–14, 683–85

noun clauses

functions of, H-109

with passive voice, H-106

that at beginning of, 205


as adjectives, H-101

adjectives as modifiers, 109, H-26

agreement in sentences, H-33–34

collective, H-13, H-23

as complements, H-97

compound, H-73

modifiers of, H-99, H-101

plurals, forming, H-82–83

possessive form, H-66–67, H-99

singular with plural forms, H-33

types of, H-99

novels, MLA style documentation, 712


defined, H-99

noun agreement, H-33–34

plurals, H-67

pronoun agreement, H-12

shifts in, H-31

subject-verb agreement, H-22–25

number/amount, H-112

numbered lists, 645


in academic writing, 451–52

at beginning of sentence, 452

commas in, H-54

as numbers, italics for, H-79

numerals, use of, 451–52, H-78

spelling out, 451–52, H-77–78

numerals, use of, 451–52, H-78