Index D

dangling modifiers, correcting, 108, H-35–36

dashes, H-61–63

appositives, setting off with, 159

for emphasis, H-62

incorrect use, H-62–63

to introduce list, H-62

to mark word groups, H-62

two hyphens as (--), H-61–62

databases. See periodical databases


abbreviations in, H-80

commas in, H-54

numerals in, 498–99, H-78

debating issues. See common ground essays

declarative sentences, H-70, H-98

definitions and defining, 586–93

appositives, use with, 159

comparing and contrasting for, 606

double quotation marks to set off, H-65

in essay exams, 754

in explanations of concepts, 120, 140, 157

extended definitions, 588–89

historical definitions, 590–91

negative definitions, 589

purposes of, 586

sentence definitions, 587

sentence strategies, 592–93

stipulative definitions, 591–92

demonstrative pronouns, H-100

demonstratives (demonstrative adjectives), H-108

dependent (subordinate) clauses, H-108–9

adjective (relative), H-100, H-108

adverbial, H-56, H-109

commas, unnecessary, H-57

and comma splices, H-5

construction of, H-108–9

defined, H-109

modifying phrases as, H-36

noun, H-106, H-109

in sentence definitions, 587

and sentence fragments, H-8–9

subordinating conjunctions to introduce, H-107

and subordination, H-42

descriptions and describing, 574–85

comparing, 577–78

detailing, 20–21, 575–77

dominant impression, creating, 583–84

for field research observations, 683

making more specific, 50

naming, 20–21, 40, 574–75

of people, 12–13, 20–21, 40–41, 61–62

of places, 12–13, 20–21, 29–30, 40–41

in profiles, 61–62, 72

in remembered event essays, 12–13, 20–21, 39–42, 40–41

sensory description, 578–83

sentence strategies, 584–85

of styles and brands, 25–26

desert/dessert, H-113

design elements (documents), 640–51

chunking text, 646–47

colors, 645–46

common ground essays, 193, 195

for e-mail, 656

evaluations, 357, 367–68, 396–97

explanations of concepts, 133, 149, 158–59, 167

font style and size, 642–43

headings, 304, 644

importance of, 640–41

for job-application letters, 660

for lab reports, 662–64

for letters, 654–55


lists, numbered and bulleted, 645

margins, 647

for memos, 653–54

position arguments, 285, 289–90

profiles, 81, 97, 106–7

proposals for solutions, 304, 322, 345

and purpose, audience, context, 641–42

quotations, integrating, 211

remembered event essays, 48–49

for résumés, 658

speculation about cause, 450–51

stories, analysis of, 488

for surveys, 687

visuals/graphics. See visuals

Web-based essay, 106–7

Web pages, 659, 661

white space, 646–47

Desmond-Harris, Jenée, “Tupac and My Non-thug Life,” 12–13, 22–27, 38–41

detached observers, writers as, 63

detailing, 575–77

dominant impression, creating, 583–84

functions of, 575–76

for people, 576

profiles, information about subject, 61–62, 78, 88

in remembered event essays, 20–21, 41–42

determiners, H-99

diagrams, 649


commas to set off, H-53–54

drama, heightening in, 12

as narrative function, 567–68

paraphrasing in, 12, 39

punctuation for, 50

quotations, questions, thoughts, integrating, H-38–40

quotations in, 12, 25, 39

quoted, 567–68

in remembered event essays, 12, 25, 36, 38–39, 51–52

speaker tags, 25, 39, 50

summarized, 567–68

summarizing in, 12, 39

dialoguing, invention and inquiry strategy, 515

dictionary entry, MLA style documentation, 719–20

“Did Bad Neighborhood Design Doom Trayvon Martin?” (Youngerman) image

different from/different than, 398

digital object identifier (DOI), 671

APA style documentation, 744, 745

Dillard, Anne, “American Childhood, An,” 12, 17–21, 29, 36, 38–42

Dillon, Sam, “4,100 Students Prove ‘Small Is Better’ Rule Wrong” image

direct address, commas to set off, H-53–54

direct objects, H-97

direct quotations. See quotations

Dirty Jobs, “Skull Cleaner” (Rowe), 87, image

discovery. See invention and research

discrimination, implied in writing, avoiding, H-50

discussion group postings

APA style documentation, 747

MLA style documentation, 729

as research source, 682

discussion section, social sciences reports, 689

“Disposable Heroes” (Weisman), 229–31

doctoral dissertations

APA style documentation, 745

MLA style documentation, 721

documentary films, profiles as, 87

document design. See design elements (documents)

Documenting America, visual analysis of, 629–38

“Does Mother Know Best?” (Samson), 176–77, 183–89, 203–6, 213–15

dominant impression

creating, 583–84

defined, 72, 583

in profiles, 63, 72, 100

in remembered event essays, 13, 21, 43

“Do Sports Helmets Help or Hurt?” (Wallace), 231–33

double quotation marks, H-65

drafting. See also drafting under specific types of essays

common ground essays, 198–207

evaluations, 384–92

explanations of concepts, 152–63

position arguments, 276–86

profiles, 89–101

proposals for solutions, 331–41

remembered event essays, 33–45

speculation about cause, 436–46

stories, analysis of, 473–84

dramatic arc

elements of, 12, 37, 48

in remembered event essays, 12, 29, 36–37, 48


with anecdotes, 418–20

invention and inquiry strategy, 515–17

drawings, 649


APA style documentation, 746

MLA style documentation, 726