Take the Plunge

As you prepare for your first speech, it is important to follow each step in the speechmaking process described in the previous section. Take note of your progress and be aware of your feelings about the whole process—from the time the assignment is given to the few minutes immediately following the speech.


Consider each item in the following checklist in two ways—as something to accomplish during preparation, and as something to consider after you have presented your speech. Use this self-assessment tool to improve future speeches by isolating areas where you need improvement.


  1. ____ How will/did I capture attention?
  2. ____ What is/was my thesis statement?
  3. ____ What will/did I say to relate the topic to the audience?
  4. ____ What will/did I say to preview the main points of the speech?
  5. ____ What will/did I say to make the transition from my introduction to my first main point?


  1. ____ Is/was the arrangement of my main points clear and logical?
  2. ____ Do I have/Did I use appropriate support material for each point?
  3. ____ What transition statements will/did I use between main points?


  1. ____ How will/did I restate the thesis/purpose of my speech?
  2. ____ What will/did I say to summarize the main points?
  3. ____ What memorable thought will/did I end the speech with?


  1. ____ What will/did I do to assure consistent eye contact?
  2. ____ What will/did I do to project appropriate vocal qualities (rate and volume, clear articulation)?
  3. ____ What will/did I do to ensure proper posture, gestures, and general movement?

My overall assessment of this speech is: ________________

What I consider strengths in this speech: ________________

Elements I need to improve on: ________________

Goals for my next speech: ________________