Appendix A: Commonly Mispronounced Words

The following lists of errors in pronunciation are from Paul L. Soper, Basic Public Speaking, Third Edition (New York: Oxford University Press, 1968), with gratitude. The correct pronunciation or proper spelling is given in parentheses.

Misplacing the Accent

admir’able (ad’mirable)
applic’able (ap’plicable)
ce’ment (cement’)
compar’able (com’parable)
exemplar’y (exemp’lary)
exig’ency (ex’igency)
finan’cier (financier’)
formid’able (for’midable)
hor’izon (hori’zon)
i’dea (ide’a)
impi’ous (im’pious)
impot’ent (im’potent)
incompar’able (incom’parable)
incongru’ous (incon’gruous)
infam’ous (in’famous)
in’terest’ed (in’terested)
irrepar’able (irrep’arable)
municip’al (munic’ipal)
prefer’able (pref’erable)
proj’ectile (projec’tile)
reg’ime (regime’)
respite’ (res’pite)
superflu’ous (super’fluous)
u’nited (unit’ed)
vehe’ment (ve’hement)
vehi’cle (ve’hicle)

Addition of Sounds

athaletics (athletics)
attack-ted (attacked)
barbarious (barbarous)
colyum (column)
corpse (corps)
drawr (draw)
drownded (drowned)
elum (elm)
enterance (entrance)
ekscape (escape)
filum (film)
grievious (grievous)
height-th (height)
hinderance (hindrance)
idear (idea)
lightening (lightning)
mischievious (mischievous)
of-ten (of[t]en)
rememberance (remembrance)
sing-ger (singer)
stastistics (statistics)
sub-tle (su[b]tle)
umberella (umbrella)
warsh (wash)

Omission of Sounds

assessory (accessory)
accerate (accurate)
actully (actually)
blong (belong)
canidate (candidate)
defnite (definite)
jography (geography)
guarntee (guarantee)
ineffecshal (ineffectual)
nuclus (nucleus)
particlar (particular)
pome (poem)
plice (police)
quite (quiet)
reconize (recognize)
resume (résumé)
sedimentry (sedimentary)
simlar (similar)
sussinct (succinct)
superntenent (superintendent)
temperture (temperature)
uzhal (usual)
vilent (violent)

Sound Substitutions

agin (again)
blaytant (blatant)
boquet (bouquet)
brochr (brochure)
capsl (capsule)
calvary (cavalry)
tshasm (chasm)
click (clique)
conscious (conscience)
crooks (crux)
cullinary (culinary)
dictionury (dictionary)
diptheria (diphtheria)
dipthong (diphthong)
dis-hevel (dishevel)
fewtyle (futile)
genuwine (genuine)
gesture (g is soft)
gigantic (first g is soft)
hiccough (hiccup)
homidge (homage)
ullusion (illusion)
interduce (introduce)
irrevelent (irrelevant)
jist (just)
larnyx (larynx)
lenth (length)
longgevity (longevity)
loose (lose)
memor (memoir)
miradge (mirage)
preform (perform)
prespiration (perspiration)
preelude (prelude)
prestidge (prestige)
rench (rinse)
saloon (salon)
statue (stature)
strenth (strength)
substantuate (substantiate)
tedjius (tedious)
theayter (theater)