Chapter 8

1 K. E. Rowan, “A New Pedagogy for Explanatory Public Speaking: Why Arrangement Should Not Substitute for Invention,” Communication Education 44, no. 3 (1995): 236, 241.

2 C. Heath and D. Heath, Made to Stick: Why Some Ideas Survive and Others Die (New York: Random House, 2007), 110–11.

3 Ibid., 111

4 C. C. Mann, 1491: New Revelations of the Americas before Columbus (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2005), 345–49.

5 J. A. Herrick, Understanding and Shaping Arguments (State College, PA: Strata Press, 2011), 44.

6 R. Schaffer and C. Wong, “Facebook Checking Is No Longer Uncharted Territory in College Admissions: Percentage of Admissions Officers Who Visited anApplicant’s Profile on the Rise,” Kaplan Test Prep, September 21, 2011,

7 R. Gallagher, “Skype Won’t Comment on Whether It Can Now Eavesdrop on Conversations,” Slate, July 20 2012,

8 R. Gallagher, “U.S. Cities Embrace Software to Automatically Detect ‘Suspicious’ Behavior,” Slate, June 11, 2012,

9 “Frequent Fliers, Prepare to Pay More,” New York Times, March 4, 2013, A20.

10 Cambridge Dictionaries Online, s.v. “Zoroastrianism,” accessed January 31, 2007,

11 M. Boyce, Zoroastrians: Their Religious Beliefs and Practices (London: Routledge, 1979), 2.

12 Ibid., 2.

13 Ontario Consultants on Religious Tolerance, “Zoroastrianism,”, March 24, 2005,

14 “Quick Guide: College Costs,” College Board, 2012,

15 J. Reinard, Foundations of Argument (Dubuque, IA: Brown, 1991), 111.

16 W. R. Fisher, Human Communication as Narration: Toward a Philosophy of Reason, Value, and Action (Columbia: University of South Carolina Press, 1987).

17 S. Rodriguez, “Look Back at Marissa Mayer’s 2011 Los Angeles Times Interview,” Los Angeles Times, July 16, 2012,,0,7269864.story.

18 Cornelia Dean, “In Road-Building, Black Soldiers Defied Prejudice,” New York Times, July 24, 2012, D4.

19 Rowan, “A New Pedagogy,” 245.

20 “Science Café: What Is the Higgs Boson?” North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences, July 13, 2012,

21 “New Data from VTTI Provides Insight into Cell Phone Use and Driving Distraction,” Virginia Tech Transportation Institute, July 27, 2009, http://www.vtti/

22 R. M. Felder and B. A. Soloman, “Learning Styles and Strategies,” North Carolina State University, (accessed April 17, 2006).

23 Ibid.

24 R. M. Felder and L. K. Silverman, “Learning and Teaching Styles in Engineering Education,” Engineering Education 78.7 (1988): 677.