Full Persuasive Speech: "Extra Credit You Can Live Without" by Anna Martinez

Audience Analysis

Anna alludes to a class survey that helped her determine her audience's attitudes and practices regarding credit card use. This information helped her tailor her message to be as relevant and persuasive as possible. Anna knows the limits of her persuasive goal and wisely chooses to focus on cautious credit card use rather than on eliminating credit cards entirely.

She shares the stories of her wedding debts, a college student's burdensome debt, and references the aggressive credit card marketing on their campus, in their very classroom. Her examples, her references, and language are particularly targeted for the college student.

Content and Supporting Ideas

Anna's speech content is presented in a problem-cause-solution format. She establishes the problems created by college student credit card debt citing statistical data from four credible and fully documented sources. Further, she references information that "over two-thirds of [this] class said that they are carrying a balance on one or more cards." In the solution portion of her speech Anna presents a range of ideas which are described through example, illustrated visually, or are supported with strong source research.


Anna leads her audience carefully through a well organized speech. Her introduction is effective as it builds interest with suspense and mystery. She immediately relates her topic to her audience by mentioning her wedding bills and the survey she has done of her class. Anna's thesis is tailored to be a reasonable persuasive goal which makes her more credible as a speaker. She clearly previews her three main points and uses transitions like "we'll start with a look at the problemsÉ" and "so here are some other ways that you can be credit card smart." As she offers her list of solutions Anna signposts these with words like "a second solution isÉ" or "third." Anna's conclusion reminds her audience of the main points of the speech with a clear summary. Her closing remarks are delightfully ironic and memorable.


Anna uses her voice skillfully. Her speaking pace and volume are excellent and she accentuates important words to provide vocal variety and punch. Her light touches of drama and humor might be played up a bit more with facial animation and a slight pause. Anna appears very confident. Her posture and eye contact are self-assured. She scans her audience throughout the speech, in command of her topic and script. She gestures spontaneously and otherwise remains still.

Visual Aids

Anna uses visual aids twice. Her gimmick of cutting up her credit card was dramatic; however, when she revealed that she wasnÕt actually suggesting that audience members give up using credit cards entirely, and admitted that it was an expired card, the effect was diminished. The gesture became hollow rather than symbolic. The projected enlargement of a credit card ad was an effective example of the fine print she warns about.