DIY Home Video Lighting Transcript

MAN: When preparing to film a video presentation at home, you cannot underestimate the role that lighting plays in your presentation. The most helpful concept to understand is three-point lighting. The first factor of three-point lighting is key light, which is the light that shines directly on the subject of the camera.

The key light could be an electric light or sunlight. But in general, the key light refers to the light aimed directly at the subject. The next type of light is backlight, which is the light behind the subject of the camera. The backlight can help an audience distinguish between the subject and their background.

Lastly, you should pay attention to fill light. The fill light is the light between the key light and the backlight, typically set up beside the subject. Fill light is used to control the way light and shadow are contrasted. When considering how to light your subject or yourself, consider outside factors, too. For instance, an overcast day makes a perfect setting for filming with natural light.

There are plenty of solutions to achieving a well-lit subject, even without professional equipment. A desk lamp on the floor can create effective backlight. A table lamp can adequately create fill light, and a flashlight or movable lamp can act as key light.

However, be careful of the light being so direct that it creates harsh shadows. Adding diffusion can help soften the light. This may be achieved by placing a thin white sheet or T-shirt between the light and the subject. However, when using fabric to diffuse light, be careful of potential fire hazards. Never leave the fabric unattended or on top of a light for long periods of time.