Atlantic Revolutions, Global Echoes


Guided Reading Exercise


What were the most important outcomes of the Atlantic revolutions, both immediately and in the century that followed?

As you read the chapter, fill in the chart below to remind you of the important outcomes of the Atlantic revolutions. If you are unsure about whether an event was "short-term" or "long-term," put it in both columns. If you copy-and-paste from the text, make sure to put quotations marks around the copied material; however, if you can think of a way to put it into your own words, you should do so.

  Short-term outcomes Long-term outcomes
Atlantic Revolutions in a Global Context Click to Edit
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Comparing Atlantic Revolutions Click to Edit
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The North American Revolution, 1775–1787 Click to Edit
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The French Revolution, 1789–1815 Click to Edit
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The Haitian Revolution, 1791–1804 Click to Edit
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Spanish American Revolutions, 1810–1825 Click to Edit
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Echoes of Revolution Click to Edit
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The Abolition of Slavery Click to Edit
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Nations and Nationalism Click to Edit
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Feminist Beginnings Click to Edit
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Reflections: Revolutions Pro and Con Click to Edit
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