Ways of the World with Sources
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At the top of the agenda everywhere in the Global South was economic development, a process that meant growth or increasing production as well as distributing the fruits of that growth to raise living standards. This quest for development, now operating all across the planet, represented the universal acceptance of beliefs unheard of not many centuries earlier—
Achieving economic development, however, was no easy or automatic task. It took place in societies sharply divided by class, religion, ethnic group, and gender and in the face of explosive population growth. In many places, colonial rule had provided only the most slender foundations for modern development, as new nations often came to independence with low rates of literacy, few people with managerial experience, a weak private economy, and transportation systems oriented to export rather than national integration. Furthermore, the entire effort occurred in a world split by rival superpowers and economically dominated by the powerful capitalist economies of the West. Despite their political independence, most developing countries had little leverage in negotiations with the wealthy nations of the Global North and their immense transnational corporations. It was hardly an auspicious environment in which to seek a fundamental economic transformation.
What obstacles impeded the economic development of third-
Beyond these difficulties lay the question of what strategies to pursue. The academic field of “development economics” was new; its experts disagreed and often changed their minds; and conflicting political pressures, both internal and international, only added to the confusion. All of this resulted in considerable controversy, changing policies, and much experimentation.
One fundamental issue lay in the role of the state. All across the developing world and particularly in newly independent nations, most people expected that state authorities would take major responsibility for spurring the economic development of their countries. After all, the private economy was weakly developed; few entrepreneurs had substantial funds to invest; the example of rapid Soviet industrialization under state direction was hopeful; and state control held the promise of protecting vulnerable economies from the ravages of international capitalism. Some state-
Yet in the last three decades of the twentieth century, an earlier consensus in favor of state direction largely collapsed, replaced by a growing dependence on the market to generate economic development. This was most apparent in the abandonment of much communist planning in China and the return to private farming (see “China: Abandoning Communism and Maintaining the Party” in Chapter 20). India and many Latin American and African states privatized their state-
How and why did thinking about strategies for economic development change over time?
A related issue involved the most appropriate posture for developing countries to adopt toward the world market as they sought to industrialize. Should they try to shield themselves from the influences of international capitalism, or were they better off vigorously engaging with the global economy? In the aftermath of the Great Depression of the 1930s, many Latin American countries followed the first path. Their traditional reliance on exporting agricultural products and raw materials had largely collapsed as the world economy sharply contracted (see Chapter 20, page 893). So they chose an alternative approach, known as import substitution industrialization, intended to reduce their dependence on the uncertain global marketplace by processing their own raw materials and manufacturing their own consumer goods behind high tariff barriers if necessary.
Brazil, for example, largely followed such policies from the 1930s through the late 1970s with some success. Between 1968 and 1974, the country experienced rapid industrial growth, dubbed the “Brazilian miracle.” By the early 1980s, the country produced about 90 percent of its own consumer goods. But Brazil’s industrialization was also accompanied by massive investment by foreign corporations, by the accumulation of a huge national debt to foreign lenders, by periodic bouts of inflation, and by very high levels of social inequality and poverty. Brazil’s military president famously remarked in 1971: “The economy is doing fine but the people are doing badly.”
The classic contrast to Latin American approaches to industrial development lay in East Asia, where South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Singapore chose a different strategy. Rather than focusing on industrial production for domestic consumption, they chose to specialize in particular products for an export market—
Other issues as well inspired debate. In many places, an early emphasis on city-
Economic development was never simply a matter of technical expertise or deciding among competing theories. Every decision was political, involving winners and losers in terms of power, advantage, and wealth. Where to locate schools, roads, factories, and clinics, for example, provoked endless controversies, some of them expressed in terms of regional or ethnic rivalries. It was an experimental process, and the stakes were high.
The results of those experiments have varied considerably. (See Snapshot: Global Development and Inequality in Chapter 23.) East Asian countries in general have had the strongest record of economic growth. South Korea, Taiwan, Singapore, and Hong Kong were dubbed “newly industrialized countries,” and China boasted the most rapid economic growth in the world by the end of the twentieth century, replacing Japan as the world’s second-
In 1950, 29.6 percent of the world’s population lived in urban areas, while by 2014 that figure had risen to 54 percent. This chart highlights the top twenty cities in terms of their population in those two years.14 What changes can you identify in the size of those cities and in their geographic distribution?
1950 | 2014 | |||||
Rank | City | Country | Population in millions | City | Country | Population in millions |
1 | New York City | USA | 12.3 | Tokyo | Japan | 37.8 |
2 | Tokyo | Japan | 11.3 | Delhi | India | 24.9 |
3 | London | UK | 8.4 | Shanghai | China | 23.0 |
4 | Paris | France | 6.5 | Mexico City | Mexico | 20.84 |
5 | Moscow | USSR | 5.6 | São Paulo | Brazil | 20.83 |
6 | Buenos Aires | Argentina | 5.1 | Mumbai | India | 20.7 |
7 | Chicago | USA | 5.0 | Osaka | Japan | 20.1 |
8 | Calcutta | India | 4.5 | Beijing | China | 19.5 |
9 | Shanghai | China | 4.3 | New York/Newark | USA | 18.6 |
10 | Osaka | Japan | 4.2 | Cairo | Egypt | 18.4 |
11 | Los Angeles | USA | 4.0 | Dhaka | Bangladesh | 17.0 |
12 | Berlin | Germany | 3.3 | Karachi | Pakistan | 16.1 |
13 | Philadelphia | USA | 3.1 | Buenos Aires | Argentina | 15.0 |
14 | Rio de Janeiro | Brazil | 2.95 | Calcutta | India | 14.8 |
15 | Leningrad/St. Petersburg | USSR | 2.9 | Istanbul | Turkey | 14.0 |
16 | Mexico City | Mexico | 2.88 | Chongqing | China | 12.9 |
17 | Bombay/Mumbai | India | 2.86 | Rio de Janeiro | Brazil | 12.8 |
18 | Detroit | USA | 2.77 | Manila | Philippines | 12.76 |
19 | Boston | USA | 2.55 | Lagos | Nigeria | 12.6 |
20 | Cairo | Egypt | 2.5 | Los Angeles area | USA | 12.3 |
Elsewhere, the story was very different. In most of Africa, much of the Arab world, and parts of Asia—
Scholars and politicians alike argue about the reasons for such sharp differences in economic performance. Variations in factors such as geography and natural resources, colonial experiences, regional cultures, the degree of political stability and social equality, state economic policies, population growth rates, and forms of involvement with the world economy—